The Switch Part 1

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Author's Note: Not even going to lie to you guys, I did not proofread this. Sooooooo if you find a problem, ignore it thanks. As per usual enjoy the story. And thank my Creative Writing teacher from Spring semester cause she's the only reason ya'll are getting a story this early. 


Alex Prinse was born and raised in Harbor City, California with Caribbean descent. She was 17 years old and lived with her parents and her little sister Aliyah. Alex wasn't like your average teenage girl though. She had to say. Her family also has similar talents to her and they use those talents to help the greater good. Currently, the date was Sunday, May 14, 2034, and she and her parents were currently in Tokyo, Japan.

"Alright, Sophie you go around the back of it and wrap your arms around its legs," Alex's dad Edwin told her mom.

Her mom sprinted around the giant robot about 60 feet tall. She did as her husband told her, holding the robot in place as Alex then controlled some telephone wires to wrap around the whole robot causing it to lose its balance and collapse forward onto the floor. Alex and her mother high five each other as her dad climbs into the robot's control system and shut it down.

"That was the last one for the day," Edwin said, walking back to the other two. "Another success, now let's go home, we have work and school in the morning."


"Mommy! Daddy! Alex!" Alex's 8-year-old sister yelled as the family walked into the house. She ran up and gave each of them a hug.

It was currently almost 9 o'clock in the night, way past Aliyah's bedtime.

"And what are you still doing up missy?" Sophie asked her young daughter. Aliyah's eyes widened as she turned around running to her room and yelling a quick goodnight.

"I'm exhausted," Alex said, yawning and stretching. "Goodnight, love you guys." She gave them both a kiss and headed to her room to take a well-needed shower and go straight to bed.

As soon as she steps into her room her phone starts to ring. Nitalia would like to Facetime...

"Hey, girl wassup?" Alex asked her best friend.

"Did you do the Pre-Calc homework?" Nitalia immediately asked and looked at the camera very stressed.

"We were given that one assignment two weeks ago, and you still haven't finished?" Alex said laughing at her irresponsible friend.

"You know homework and I don't mix," Nitalia simply stated while flipping through her notebook looking for some type of notes to help her.

"How about I just send you a picture of the work and I go take this shower and go to bed?" Alex suggested.

"You're the best. This is why I love you."

"Yeah, yeah goodbye," Alex dismissed her friend and then hung up. She snapped a few quick pictures of the work sending it to Nitalia getting a cluster of heart emojis in response.

"Now for a nice hot shower," she said to herself.


"Bye everyone I'm off to school," Alex said grabbing a waffle and a bottle of water and hurrying out of the house.

She hopped into her self-driving Lexus and set it on the route for school and ate her breakfast.

Around 10 minutes later she arrived on Harbor City High School's campus letting out a deep sigh. School didn't start for another 20 minutes so she met up with Nitalia and her boyfriend Jacob on the patio.

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