Songs of Power P.3

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*Two Weeks Later*

Melody spent the two weeks leading up to this mission learning how to navigate South Africa and especially where the reporter is being held. It was now five o'clock in the morning and Melody was changing into a more comfortable mission suit on a private jet that was literally going to drop her right above the mission point. Hours later they approach the drop-off point and Melody prepared to jump out of the plane, without a parachute obviously. Melody jumps off of the plane and immediately dives down towards the building, turning invisible as she gets closer. She moves stealthily through the ceiling and straight into the room where the journalist is. He's there gagged with his hands zip-tied to a chair. He sees her and his eyes immediately light up with relief and then visible confusion. She puts a finger to her lips telling him to be quiet and melts the zip ties from his wrists. Now all she had to do was figure out how to get him out of the room. If she could've made him intangible also then it would've been easier. Luckily, she can turn him invisible which isn't as convenient, but she'll have to make it work. He whispers to her that there is one guard standing outside the door, so she just needs to get him to open the door. She grabs a hold of the journalist's hand turning them both invisible and knocks on the door. The guard opens it with his gun pointing and starts looking around the room frantically for the journalist. As he walks into the room they walk out. They hear him calling for backup, who they see soon after running past them as they walk towards the exit. As soon as they get outside Melody tells the journalist to hold on to her so they can fly to the meeting point. They meet the jet miles away from the terrorist base and soon find themselves back home in America. After getting back home, Melody watched the news as military soldiers take credit for the work that she did since she and the whole program operation are to remain a secret.

*Three Years Later*

After completing that first mission, the government deemed her ready for many non-violent missions after that, until her 17th birthday came. Now is where the killing is supposed to start. You would think that after all those years of training that she would be ready to become the skilled assassin that she's supposed to be. However, that isn't the case. Melody has never had a malicious bone in her body. She knew one day they would start giving her violent missions and she was hoping that by then she would be ready. Unfortunately for the program, she couldn't bring herself to do it. So, the day comes where they give her the first violent mission she has. They tell her that she has to assassinate the prime minister of England, but they wouldn't tell her why. She refused and believe it or not they told her that if she didn't do it then they would have to resort to extreme measures to ensure her cooperation. Now, this is where the story really begins.

*Six Months later*

On her first mission to assassinate the prime minister of England, she ran away. She didn't kill him and resorted to going into hiding, living in constant fear that the government will somehow find her. It's been about 6 months since she left and the only reason she's able to survive is that she discovered a new ability. Along with invisibility, pyrokinesis, and intangibility, she can also change her appearance. Not necessarily into animals and such, but she's able to change her genetic features. For example, she was born with dark brown hair, eyes, and skin. However, as of right now her hair is blonde and her skin way lighter. She transformed from chocolate to butterscotch. Her eyes are also hazel now. Practically a whole new person. Seeing as she doesn't have a birth certificate or any type of legal identification, she relies mainly on her powers. She steals from only big franchise companies, no small privately-owned businesses. She finds fully furnished houses that are up for sale and stay there until they're sold. Hopefully, she doesn't have to live like this for the rest of her life, she's still working on a foolproof plan to get out of this. She also at some point has to hunt down the man who killed her parents.

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