Songs of Power P.4

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*Back at the program facility*

The tall dark lady is now talking to the boy Melody's age whose name is Taylor. She tells Taylor that this whole entire time they have been tracking Melody. His assignment is to bring her back dead or alive. When Taylor turned 14 he chose the ability of laser vision. At first, he couldn't control it and had to wear special sunglasses all the time. Now, he can turn it on and off and wherever he looks he can shoot. He accepts the mission and takes the mobile tracker that they give him. It takes him approximately ten hours to make it to where Melody is. Seeing as this was a stealth mission he has to make sure that none of the people in the neighborhood see him entering the unowned house. It's about 2 o'clock in the morning and Taylor quietly sneaks in through the back door. He finds his way into the bedroom and sees someone laying there that looks absolutely nothing like the girl he saw six months ago. He sends a text to the tall dark lady explaining the situation and she says to wake her up and make sure. He taps Melody and seconds later finds himself pinned down in a chokehold. He tries to tell Melody that it's him, he can barely breathe much less talk, and soon everything goes black.

Taylor wakes up the next morning to find Melody gone. He checks the tracker and sees that she's actually still in the house. He quietly walks down the stairs to then be welcomed with a broken piece of glass at his neck. Melody asks him what he's doing there, and he explains the truth to her. He lets her know that he has orders to bring her back alive, but if she fights he has permission to kill her. This obviously does not reassure her in any way, so she's still prepared to cut his throat if he makes one wrong move. She tells him she's not going back and that if he tries to kill her he won't be going back either. They stand there watching each other for a bit before Taylor asks her if he can stay with her. She said no and instead asked him to go back and tell them that she'll return if the program helps her find the person or people responsible for her parents' death.

That same day, Taylor goes back to the facility and tells them Melody's proposition. Taylor gave Melody a phone so that he wouldn't have to be a messenger back and forth. Once he told the tall dark lady what was going on she immediately called Melody. She asked her if she was willing to come to the facility to get the files that she needed to complete the investigation. Since Melody isn't stupid, she said to send them with Taylor and if she deems the information useful, then she'll come back. It didn't take long for the tall dark lady to have someone put together some information for Melody to use. That night they sent Taylor back to Melody with the file and had him stay there until she made her decision of staying or going. However, as Melody looked through the files and saw absolutely nothing that would help her. Then it dawned on her. There was no investigation done by the government or even anyone at the facility. She called back the tall dark lady and asked her why no investigation was done. The woman simply stated that it wasn't a priority at the time. At this point Melody is furious. She looks at Taylor who has been sitting on the room floor with her, papers all over the place. He asks her if he thinks maybe they killed her parents. She doesn't respond and just sits there thinking. After about ten minutes she decides why not go find out herself. This probably wasn't a good idea to go back to the facility, but she wanted to ask this question in person. She grabs whatever little belongings she has and tells Taylor she's ready to go back. She didn't tell him her plan because she wasn't sure how deep his loyalty to the program lied.

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