Author's Note/Life Update

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Happy Holidays! My Christmas present/apology for disappearing for so long is...drumroll please...a little longer...a 'sequel' to Queen Noire! How exciting lol. Not many people asked for this but I am writing it anyway. I have been procrastinating writing for too long and this collection is something that I would like to be done with by 2031 so...Yeah I know that's a lot of years to be writing a book on Wattpad, but it's okay. If I end up having to move it somewhere else that's fine. 

Just a quick update on what I have been doing all this time, for the past year and some months. I am 21 years old now, whoop whoop! I have my B.A. in Communication Studies, whoop whoop again! and I am at my first big girl job for a non-profit. Now that I am done with school, I want to focus more on this book. 

The 'sequel' to Queen Noire will be uploaded before or on Christmas, I will give no definite answer. I am wrapping up the climax now so it really may be before. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their holiday vacation. If you know anyone who likes the quick reads that are short stories, direct them here, please :) It's not much, but it's honest work. Forehead kisses to you all. 


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