Songs of Power P.1

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Welcome my beautiful readers. Thank you so much for being curious enough to give my stories a read. This is part 1 of one of the first short stories I have completed. I hope you enjoy and don't be afraid to comment and get engaged. I also accept ideas for stories if you do enjoy my writing and I will gladly credit you if you do share an idea with me. I do not claim to be an outstanding writer, but I really do enjoy it and I would love to continue to get better. 


What would you do if you didn't know the face of the man who killed your parents? On top of that, you have the power to get revenge on the people who hired him to do it. Would you hunt him along with them even though he was just doing his job? I mean, a bag is a bag. Your parents were very important people and they were targets for years even before they designed you. All of this is the actual life of 17-year-old, Melody Harris. It was only 10 years ago when someone broke into her house and silently killed both of her parents in the middle of the night. It wasn't until she woke up the next morning to find both her parents dead in their bedroom. She went into the panic room and pushed the button that alerts her parent's job that something had happened to them. At the time, she didn't know what her parents did or who they worked for, but she knew to follow the emergency protocol that her parents told her to do. It wasn't even 15 minutes when a tall dark woman walked in and carried her to a tinted SUV as she cried, mourning the death of her parents. She couldn't help but think that if she would've heard the person come into the house that she could've saved her parents. This was the day that she found out the truth about her parents. They were geneticists who worked for a secret government company that wanted to weaponize children and get them ready for war by the time they turn 18. Melody's genes were altered in a lab just a few days after she was born. This alteration gave her a few interesting abilities, but you'll have to keep reading to find out they are. Melody is the first child to have been experimented on in this lab, and on paper, she's known as "Agent 0." The difference between her and the children that will come after her is that she was trained at home and was allowed to live a normal life. Her parents didn't want her to lose her childhood. Now that they're gone, it's as if her childhood left with them.

After driving in the SUV for what felt like 2 hours they finally arrived at their destination. Melody looked out the window at this huge building in the middle of nowhere. A large security guard opened the car door for her and the woman. They walked towards the entrance of the building and Melody noticed that there really wasn't anything around them for, probably miles. As they led her through the doors, the building looked even bigger on the inside than it did on the outside. As she walked in, everyone stared at her as if she was some new zoo animal. She watched all of them back until she found herself in a bedroom with a big mirror that took up the whole of one wall. The room was set up nicely with a big bed and a bathroom connected to it. The woman in the room told her that this is where she will be for the time being until her training is complete.

After a brief introduction and tour of the facilities, Melody was given some months to grieve her parents and adjust to this new lifestyle before they resumed her training and prepared her for the real world. Once they restarted training, they worked on her body and mind before helping her control her powers. This would make sense because if you want an 8-year-old child to become a weapon you want to make sure they don't get traumatized (was the sarcasm obvious enough?). Anyway, by the time she was 13 they had finished with that part of her training, she was ready to start getting violent. They wanted to make sure she knew how to use every single one of her powers in the most efficient way possible. They went in the order that she discovered her powers and the first one was invisibility. She could make herself invisible along with objects and people around her as long as she was touching them. The people helping her greatly regretted her gaining control because after that she didn't stop pranking them. They almost had to put a trigger chip in her so that when she was around they would get alerted. Luckily, it didn't take long for her to grow bored of that phase. Unluckily, it was because the next power she learned to control was pyrokinesis. Thank goodness she wasn't crazy and only used that power outside or else she could've easily burned down the whole building.

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