Songs of Power P.2

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Author's Note: In the future, the parts will definitely be longer, but I try to evenly copy and paste it from my google docs so I don't get confused. Anyway here's part 2 hope you enjoy and I also hope this is all translating correctly because I'm too lazy to read through it. So hopefully this all makes sense. 


On top of turning invisible and starting fires, Melody could also walk through walls. When the scientists in the lab found out about this they were shocked. Melody's parents did not document intangibility anywhere in her files. This caused them to run many tests on Melody, resulting in them discovering that her genes were multiplying and mutating themselves to create new abilities. Now at this point, no one knew what to do, they didn't prepare for this. They continued to monitor Melody as they evolved their system of training to handle this newfound power. Now, the mirror mentioned earlier in this story is actually a one-way glass that the scientists use to monitor Melody and her behaviors. They also control the temperature of the room and even play music sometimes to see how she reacts to different sounds. One summer night, a few months before her 14th birthday, the tall dark woman got an alert that the lights in Melody's wing were flickering uncontrollably. It was just about 3 o'clock in the morning so what could possibly be happening. As the woman along with the scientists reaches the monitoring room, there Melody is floating a few feet above her bed almost touching the ceiling. They all stared as she floated back down after 5 minutes and decided they'd deal with it when she woke up.

*Four Months Later*

It's a month after her 14th birthday and Melody laughs as she flies outside around the building. Since she levitated above the bed that night, no new abilities have shown themselves. As she's sitting on top of the building, she sees a white van out in the distance approaching the security gate. She goes down back to the ground and asks one of the scientists who was coming to the facilities. He didn't answer and told her to go inside for lunch. She looks back at the van and as she's walking in she sees 5 children a bit younger than her walking in. She doesn't think much of it and heads back to her room to eat.

A few hours after she ate, the tall dark woman called her to meet the children who just arrived earlier that day. As she gets to the conference room, one of the scientists stop her outside the door and tells her not to mention anything about her abilities. She was a bit confused, but she tried not to think too much into it. She walks into the room and there are three girls and two boys, who now that she's closer to them, look like they all vary in ages. One of the boys looked about her age while the rest were younger than them. The tall dark lady introduced the children, whose ages range from ten to fourteen, and explained to Melody that she will be helping train them. The youngest child of 10 was a small girl born in Cancun, Mexico, and brought to America as a baby. One year older than her is a girl born in Fort Myers, Florida who just lost her parents two years ago and none of her extended family wanted her. The 12-year-old girl is from Ontario, Canada, and has no known backstory. A boy from Ethiopia, at 13 years-old whose parents sent him here for a better life to live with his aunt who ended up dying and leaving him with no contact with his parents, is also included in this group. The boy Melody's age does not speak, at all. No one knows anything about him he just nodded to coming along and they let him.

The next day, all of the children gathered outside in the training area early in the morning. As of now, Melody is the only one with abilities that the other children have not been told about. These kids are orphans who were given the option to blindly join a program and leave the foster care system. The oldest boy will be given the option to choose his ability once he finishes the mind and body portion of the training. While the other children will have to wait until they themselves have turned 14. Which for one is next year. Regardless of if any of these new children show promise of becoming military soldiers, that is why science exists. (If you haven't seen the first Captain America movie, then you should.) Anyway, outside of training, the children all hang out and get along very well. They are actually allowed to be real children when they aren't, you know, learning to kill people. Speaking of, Melody actually has her first mission in about two weeks. Don't worry though, she's not killing anyone. An American reporter was kidnapped by a terrorist in South Africa and is demanding a ransom that America is not about to pay.

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