Queen Noire Part 1

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Author's Note: It is currently 11:07 pm and I am so tired. I really hope you guys like this story because I just came up with it on the fly. This wasn't even the story I was going to post originally, but that writer's block is something serious. I do start school soon so I hope I can get another couple of stories out before I do. Do not forget that I take constructive criticism and if there is anything you think can change about my writing just let me know. You can even dm me. Anyway, enjoy the story and if anything doesn't make sense then just ignore it. When I edit I'm only looking for grammar errors lol.


Our story begins 200 years before the present-day on a continent with five countries. The largest, Meroknia, being in the center with Lacklia in the north, Goronius in the south, Plintius in the east, and Rashikus in the west. All five countries coexisted without any conflict until a new king was appointed to Rashikus. He decided that he was tired of being the smallest of the five countries and thought it would be a good idea to try and take over Meroknia. The other surrounding rulers tried to warn him that it was not a smart idea, but he was too arrogant and stubborn to listen. He quickly gathered up his army, and right at dawn on a mild summer day, he launched an attack on Meroknia. The tale that is told by the few survivors of his army, is that a dragon over fifty feet long burned and killed the entire army with the king being the first to burn. Only a few left injured, but no one believed them, and there are no other witnesses to back up their story. Out of fear, no one from the four countries surrounding Meroknia went to investigate. For 200 years, they avoided ever stepping foot into that vast country.

    It wasn't until present day, two best friends, Sinclair, crowned prince of Lacklia, and Dimitri, crowned prince of Goronius, decided that they themselves would visit the country and see if it is as dangerous as their ancestors deemed it to be. They knew that their parents would not approve at all, so they quickly came up with a fib as to where they would be, not allowing guards to be sent with them. They promised their parents that they would keep a low profile and reassured them that they can take care of themselves. On a horse, it was only a week's trip directly from the castle in Goronius to the border of Meroknia.

    They stood at the border, trying to figure out how to get to the castle. The map they had was made 200 years ago before contact was cut off from Meroknia. They hoped that the castle was still in the same place and all they had to do was maneuver the roads.

    They spent a total of 2 weeks looking for the castle, not wanting to ask for directions to avoid drawing attention. They stayed in hotels, grateful that Meroknia decided to keep the universal currency of the continent. So far, Meroknia was not at all the way they were taught in school. At this rate, they really wanted to meet the queen and talk to her in hopes of including the country with the rest of the continent.  They were also curious about the dragon.

    After leaving their horses and belongings at the nearest inn, they finally found themselves in front of the biggest castle they had ever seen. This castle was as large as the other four castles put together. They walked towards the gates which were opened to a very long line of the citizens of the country. They decided to just stand in the line and see where it led and after a few hours of standing and making small talk with the people around them, they found themselves in front of a large door. Two guards opened the doors and the two princes were exposed to the most beautiful throne room and sitting on the throne was the most beautiful woman. She wore a satin, deep blue, floor-length dress with long sleeves that had black lace trim. Her crown fit perfectly on her head, gold and illuminating beautifully against her brown skin with blue jewels to match her dress and jewelry.

    The two men stood there in awe at both the room and the woman. The queen of Meroknia didn't look that much older than the two princes which really confused them. They assumed that her parents died and she was appointed queen earlier than usual. Little did the two princes know, she had been queen much longer than they thought.

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