The Switch Part 2

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"What is this?" Alex asked, smelling it and scrunching up her face.

"Nothing that's going to kill you," Jacob said while taking a sip from his own drink.

Alex took a large sip and coughed at the terrible taste. "I don't like this at all," she said, placing it on the closest table to her.

She walked away and over to an empty loveseat in one of the living rooms.

She suddenly got the urge to use her powers. Which is against the rules in a vicinity full of normies.

She looked around to see if anyone was paying attention and then looked at the lamp. She looked back around to double-check. She pointed her finger at the lamp and moved her finger up to make the lamp move up.

"Alex is a super!" she heard someone yell causing her to drop the lamp and look around as everyone looked at her.


"Mom! Dad!" Alex said walking into her house.

The house was completely empty.

Her phone started to ring as she walked into the kitchen. Mother.


"Alex, get to the hospital now," her mom said, sounding stressed out.

"What happened? Is everything ok?" Alex asked, running out the house and to her car.

"We'll explain everything when you get here baby girl," her mom said then hung up.


Alex rushed into the emergency room and up to the front desk. "Hi, I'm here to see my sister, Aliyah Prinse."

"Yes, your mom told us to expect you, she's in room 245 on the second floor," the nurse replied after looking in the system.

"Thank you!" Alex shouted as she rushed to the elevator.

She finally made it to the floor and basically flew to the room.

She first saw her parents sitting on the couch in the room looking more stressed-out than ever and then she saw the most horrific sight. Her little sister was laid down in a hospital attached to so many tubes she looked like a puppet on strings.

"What..what happened?" Alex stuttered walking closer to her sister.

"Some moron rammed me from behind on our way back from getting ice cream and her body couldn't handle the impact so when the glass broke it cut up her body and she went into a coma," her dad explained, not being able to look up at his eldest daughter.

"She needs blood," her mom continued. "But the doctor said ours is too old." (A/N: I know this makes no sense, but bear with me thanks.)

"I'll give her some of mine," Alex said quickly.

Just as she said that the doctor walked in causing the three to look at her.

"I want to give some of my blood to Aliyah," Alex told the doctor.

"Are you her sister?" the doctor asked.


"Alright, we can run the tests in the morning."


"The blood doesn't have any type of similarities," the doctor said to Alex and her parents looking at her clipboard as they sat in her office.

"What do you mean?" Alex asked.

"It's as if you two aren't even actually related," she explained looking at Alex's parents?

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