Chapter 20

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"Arael, we've been speaking about this and I wanted to get this for you to prove how much I love you and want to be with you",he said as he stepped up behind her. She smiled widely as he pulled the loose, delicate silver chain around her neck and closed the clasp.

"I had it specially made so that our initials linked together",he told her. She touched the chain that rested between her collar bone and the valley of her breasts. The initials were small and each had a singular diamond in them. It was perfect. He knew she didn't like big jewelry so he was very hard ass with the man that made it. It had to be perfect for his perfect little bird.

"It's so beautiful",she told him as she turned to kiss him. He smiled against her lips as he hugged her closer to him.

"You're too perfect",she told him. He smiled as he shook his head.

"I'm only like this to and for you",he told her before brushing his lips over hers softly once more. She huffed and pulled him closer, wanting so much more than he would give. But she had to wait. A hospital bed wasn't exactly the most romantic of places to be so completely whole with each other for the first time.

* * *

"Welcome to our new home",Cole said as he opened the door to the castle. He stood back to allow her to go in first and then followed, watching her reaction carefully. The floor was a light cream coloured marble and the walls were painted a pristine white in the front hall. There was a clear, glass chandelier hanging from the white ceiling and two staircases leading up to a landing leading in two different directions, the left wing of the castle and the right. It looked like something out of a snow-princess movie.

"I got some help but I tried choose things that I thought you might like",he told her as they walked into the living room. It was a large room with sofas placed elegantly around a fire place that had a large television above it. The walls looked like stone and the floors were wooden.

"I tried to give it a comfortable look by making it look like the cabin",he explained as she ran her fingertips over the material of the sofas. They moved on to the kitchen and she noticed how modern it looked immediately. Everything was white and black with splashes of colour here and there.

She held on to the cold railing as they climbed up the stairs to the bedrooms. There were many guest rooms in the left wing and the right led to the master bedroom and two other rooms. She smiled as she walked into the master bedroom. The walls were cream coloured and there was a large bed in the middle of the room with a beige duvet and a mix of beige and gold pillows. There were two wardrobes and an open plam ensuite bathroom but the toilet was in its own secluded little room. She slowly made her way over and smiled at the design. There was a shower big enough for three and a bath big enough for four as well as two sinks side by side.

Halfway through admiring the bedroom she heard Cole shout for her to join him in the dining room downstairs. She immediately hurried out the room and down the stairs, eager to tell him how much she loved the castle but when she got to the dining room she found something she hadn't expected. The lights were dimmed and candles were lit and set on a table along with two plates and wine glasses. Next to the table stood Cole in his dark jeans and white t-shirt that she recognised from the first day she met him.

"What's going on here? When did you have time to do this?",she asked slowly. He motioned for her to come closer and she did, only stopping once there was a few centimeters of space in between them. He held her hands in his and looked down at her as though she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

"Arael, I met you with one plan and one plan only. I didn't have a backup plan in case something went wrong but I'm glad I didn't. You somehow managed to perfectly mess up my plans by getting me to fall so impossibly deep in love with you. Then suddenly you were taken away from me and I thought I'd never see your  beautiful blue eyes again or hear your beautiful voice or feel your soft lips against mine again. But I got you back and I thought everything would be perfect but obviously fate and destiny felt I needed to be punished and prove my worthiness of your love because you didn't remember me. So I tried and tried but you kept pushing me away. But I couldn't give up, even when I thought I had, I still had a tiny bit of hope, because I love you so unbelievably much and I want to spend forever with you... Arael, my little bird...",he trailed off as he got down on one knee and pulled a small, white velvet box from his pocket. She gasped and covered her mouth with her hands as she realised where he was going.

"Cole...",she breathed his name as tears formed in her eyes. They had been through so much and finally something was perfect.

"Will you please do me the great honour of allowing me to be the luckiest man to ever live by marrying me?",he finished as he opened the box. She felt the tears fall onto her cheeks as she looked at the ring. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. It had a thin silver band with a diamond in the middle with two smaller black diamonds on the side. It was simple but she didn't like big flashy rings so it was perfect.

"Yes",she whispered.

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