Chapter 14

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"You don't need to be afraid of me, Arael. I would never- could never hurt you",he told her. She shook her head sadly as she pulled away from him. He watched as she took a step away from him before turning to face him.

"I still can't remember anything, Cole. I remember parts where I would miss you or get really angry at you or when I was scared of you but that's it... I don't remember loving you and I can't be with someone if they remember small details in things that I can't even remember happening. I would feel behind and left out the whole time. It would hurt me",she told him. He stepped towards her and hugged her softly, as though if he touched her too hard, she would break.

"I'm so sorry",he whispered as she hugged him back. They stood still in each other's arms for a few moments before Cole pulled back to look down at her sadly. He knew he couldn't force her to be with him no matter how much he longed for it. It didn't matter how desperate he was for her affection or how badly he needed her love. Because he loved her, he had to let her go. She would never be happy and she would never love him if he forced her to stay with him. The last thing he wanted was for her to be sad and it would kill him to have her hate him.

"I'll always love you. Even if we can't be together and I have to learn to be with someone else, I'll still love you. Nothing will ever change that. They will have my forever, but you will always have my heart",he told her, eyes transfixed on her lower lip that was clamped between her teeth. She was trying to fight off her feelings, not wanting to show her sadness in front of him while knowing that if she broke down, she would never be able to put herself back together. A sigh left his lips as she nodded. He knew she didn't love him but he would always love her.

Slowly he leaned down, watching her as he lowered his head to hers, desperate for one last parting kiss. He stopped when there was just a breath of space in between their lips and waited for her reaction. She could feel his warm breath brushing against her lips and knew he was waiting for her to do something. She knew he wouldn't kiss her if she didn't close the space in between their lips so that's what she did.

He watched her eyes flutter closed and gently press her lips against his. Her soft lips were barely touching his but he felt them. It was a ghost of a kiss but he wanted more. He wanted so much more but he knew he couldn't try his luck for fear that she would push him away so he waited for her. What happened between them was completely in her hands.

Arael sighed softly as she stepped closer to him, their bodies touching, and gently caressed his cheek as she placed her other hand on his hard chest. He pressed his lips slightly harder against hers, encouraging her as he slowly wrapped his arms around her. He didn't want to frighten her or make her feel uncomfortable. She smiled slightly against his lips, loving how natural and perfect it felt to be held against him. To kiss him and to be loved by him felt so perfect and if she remembered him she would stay in a heartbeat. But she felt so left out and hurt that he had so much more of their relationship in his memories than she did that she knew, if she stayed, she would always be jealous of him.

The sound of glass smashing on the floor pulled them apart and they turned to see their parents watching them in shock. Arael pulled away from Cole instinctively as if he had burned her and looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"You should leave. I don't want to hurt you anymore. You deserve someone who can remember everything about you and who can love you just as much and as unconditionally as you love me. I'm so sorry" she said before turning and rushing up the stairs to her room. He knew running after her would be pointless so he just stayed where he was and watched her dissappear. He silently cursed their parents for interrupting them.

"I'll be in my room",he told the them. He heard them speaking quietly amongst themselves as he walked away but didn't even bother staying to listen.

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