Chapter 6

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The drive was long and quiet. Cole had offered to drive so he could keep himself distracted from his haunting thoughts. After seeing what he had looked like he had showered, not having the energy to shave his beard off, he didn't bother with it, and packed as quickly as he could.

His wounds were still sore and he had accidentally ripped them back open once or twice as he threw things across his room in fits of rage. The previous night just happened to be one of those times and so his chest was especially tender that day.

Once they made it to the cabin after hours of driving, Cole took out his and Arael's bags and carried them inside the large house. It wasn't a castle but it was a a lot bigger than your average house. She tried to hide her surprise that he still helped her even after all that had happened between them in the past weeks. She knew she had hurt him but, once she realised he was avoiding her, she couldn't bring herself to disturb him even if it was to apologise. So instead she had started avoiding him as well and things had become awkward and tense between them. He put her bag down on the bed in the master bedroom and turned to leave.

"Thank you",she said softly. She didn't really know if she wanted him to hear it or not.

"You're welcome",he muttered and closed the door behind him as he made his way to the room down the hall from hers. It was smaller than her room but he didn't care. It had a big enough bed in the middle of the room against the wall with a little white table either side of it and a lamp on each table. The floor, ceiling and walls were made of wood and the bed was covered in a cream coloured duvet. There was a white door that led to a bathroom and white cupboards across from the bed. It was enough for him considering he didn't do much at that point other than sit by his window.

He put his suitcase down on the bed and stared unpacking his clothing and putting it into the cupboards. Knowing there was nothing else to do anymore he made his was out of his room after unpacking. He didn't particularly want to go to her but he couldn't leave without her. He knocked on Arael's bedroom door. She opened it slowly a few seconds later and he noticed the surprise on her face before she tried to hide it.

"I'm going out to get things to make dinner and I was wondering if you wanted to come with or not",he told her. She wanted to go with him. She wanted to be near him. But she also could barely look him in the eyes because everytime she did, she could see the hurt she had caused him. She shook her head, not trusting her voice and closed the door quietly as she looked at the ground. He sighed, not sure if he was relieved or disappointed, and made his way out of the house, into the garage where he had left the car.

The grocery store wasn't to far from the forest and Cole got there within ten minutes. He took his time getting the things he needed because he was in no hurry to get back to the quiet house. Slowly he filled the shopping cart with the necessities and then he added extras. By the time he had finished paying and had made it back to the cabin, almost three hours had passed and he just wanted to go to sleep. Turning on the TV as he started preparing their dinner he heard a woman start talking.

"We've just received breaking news. An angel, the Princess of Haven to be exact, is flying around the underworld wreaking havoc on the cities. Officials haven't been able to stop her as she continues her search for someone named Cole. We are unsure if she is looking for Prince Cole or another Cole but whoever it is, if you know it's you she's looking for, please come find her",the woman on screen said. Cole groaned and switched everything off before racing outside and talking off. He flew as quickly as he could, knowing it was Arael causing all the trouble. He should've known something was up. The cabin was too quiet for everything to be okay.

He looked down at the city and realised just how much trouble she really was. There were animals, pets and wildlife alike, running wild and road signs were broken along with various windows. Rubbish bins were thrown over and car screens were smashed, their alarms blaring loudly. Gardens were destroyed and and there were even some fires.

"Where is he?! He just went out to get things for dinner but he hasn't come back! Where is he?",he heard a familiar voice shout hysterically. He flew in the direction of the sound and saw Arael shouting down at bystanders, tears streaming down her face from her blackened eyes.

"Arael, calm down now!",he called as he flew towards her. She turned and he saw the relief on her face before it morphed into fury.

"Where were you? You were supposed to go and get things for dinner but you never came back",she cried angrily. He stopped in front of her and took hold of her hands.

"I know, I just took longer because I didn't want to be in the cabin to bother you and it was the only place to stay",he told her softly. She pulled one of her hands out of his and smacked him, the action barely even registering in his mind. Her eyes had gone back to their blue colour meaning her unnatural strength was gone as well. Tears still poured down her cheeks.

"I thought you left. I thought you were going to leave me behind and go back to the castle",she sobbed. He noticed her lips trembling and her eyes become red from her crying. He sighed sadly and pulled her into a hug. With his chest still sore he couldn't hug her too tightly but he wanted her to know he wouldn't leave. His parents had said she was only going to be calm around him and he had stupidly left her for hours.

"Never",he whispered softly before leading her back to the cabin and apologising to a furious city along the way, promising to keep her away. At least he knew she cared. That was enough for him.

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