Chapter 5

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Cole looked up to find Arael trying to hide her grin behind her coffee mug and he couldn't help that his cheeks turned red. He had intended to leave before she woke up but instead he been caught. He was mortified that he had given away how desperate he was to be near her when she didn't even remember who he was. She tried not to giggle as he dropped his head into his hands and groaned.

"Can we not speak about this here?",he begged quietly, catching Maggie's attention. She turned away from where she was cooking breakfast and made her way over to the table.

"What's going on here? What happened, Cole?",she asked him pointedly. Arael turned to glare at the woman that had interrupted them.

"It's none of your fucking business, old lady. Now get back to your food",Arael snapped. Cole and Maggie's heads snapped in her direction and they stared at her in shock.

"Did you not hear me you, old hag? I said fuck off",Arael said impatiently, her eyes narrowed into slits, the bright blue colour now looked black. Cole stood up and took hold of her arm before pulling her out of the kitchen and into the dining room. He pushed her down onto a chair and left her there as he returned to Maggie.

He walked in to find her standing with her hands over her mouth as tears welled up in her eyes. He rushed over to her and hugged her. She was like a grandmother to him and he hated that she was upset.

"I'm so sorry, Maggie, I have no idea what just happened. Arael loves you like her own mother and I have no idea why she spoke like that to you",he whispered softly to the tearful woman in his arms. Arael had taken an instant liking to Maggie once she had woken up and they had formed a mother daughter bond within two or so weeks. So the way Arael had just spoken to her was not only out of character and unacceptable, but it was also heartbreaking for Maggie to hear from the girl she loved as her own daughter.

"I-I don't understand. She has never spoken to anyone like that. Did I say something wrong? Why would she say that to me?",Maggie cried quietly into his chest. He pulled her away slightly to look into her eyes.

"Maggie, you did absolutely nothing wrong. You have been nothing but kind and loving towards her and everyone else you know. I have no idea why she spoke to you like that or said the things she did but I intend to find out. I'm so sorry she hurt you",he reassured her before kissing her on her head and, with one final hug, he turned around towards the dining room. He was so angry he could taste it on his tongue. How dare Arael speak to someone like that when they had done nothing wrong. Sure, he did it sometimes, but it was somewhat expected from him considering he was Prince of The Depths. She, however, was the Princess of Haven. The complete opposite of him. While he was dark and rude she was light and kind. She was supposed to be the epitome of kindness and love. Yet she had just spoken like one of the wretches they kept in the cells.

"What was that?",he roared as he walked in the room. Arael rolled her nearly black eyes and got up, walking across to the bar where she took a sip of whiskey straight from one of the bottles.

"She was interrupting me. I was talking to you and she decided she had the right to speak to us. Like she was on the same level as us",she scoffed. Cole saw red as she took another sip from the bottle. He moved across the room, taking the bottle out of her hand and putting it down on the table before pressing her against a wall, holding her arms to her sides to pin her there.

"I want you to go in there and then I want you to apologise to Maggie for the horrid things you said to her",he seethed. She laughed dryly, the whites of her eyes slowly disappearing as she pulled her arms out of his grasp with ease. He watched in shock, unsure of what was happening to her. She had never and, by laws of their nature, would never be able to be stronger than him. So he was shocked when she managed to switch their places so easily.

He looked down in horror at the woman he loved. She looked like an animal, a hunter ready to kill. A sharp pains shot through his chest and he looked down to see her digging her nails into his skin. Blood was dripping down her wrists onto the ground as she slowly pressed her fingers into his chest. He gasped, choking on the pain of her digging into his chest. There was no talking to her, she wouldn't hear him or listen. He used all the power he could to throw her off of him. She flew back and her head hit the edge of the dining table. Her body fell on the ground limp but less than a moment later she was pushing herself up, groaning as she held her head.

He grabbed one of the bar towels and pressed it against his chest to stop the bleeding. Luckily she hadn't dug her hands in deep enough to cause any real damage. His chest would still hurt like hell though for a while.

He watched as she turned, her eyes were once again bright blue and he relaxed his shoulders. She looked up at him and he knew the tears in her eyes were from the fact that she had spoken to Maggie like she did, the fact that she had hurt him, and the fact that her head definitely hurt. He looked at her sadly. He didn't understand what was going on with her but he knew he couldn't be in to same room as her. She took a step towards him bringing her hand from her head to reach out to him. He winced as he noticed the blood on her hands but stepped away from her nonetheless. The look in her eyes, the hurt, nearly had him running to her to hold her and take away her pain but he couldn't risk getting close to her again. He had no way of knowing what she would do if he got near her.

"I'll send a doctor to tend to your wound",he said, his voice barely a whisper as he walked out the door.

* * *

"Cole, your mother and I spoke with Arael's parents and we've decided it would be best if you two went to stay by yourselves until you get her to remember you and to stop acting like she is. We all love her but she is starting to hurt people. We cannot lock her away because she'll never be able to remember you then but we also can't keep her here because the mania is making her violent. She needs someone to help watch her and take care of her so it's best you go with her somewhere far so it's just you two. She will stop having fallen characteristics as soon as she remembers you but, until then, it would seem that she is only completely angel when it comes to you. Other than that, she is too much of a rogue fallen for her parents and the workers to handle so you need to take her to the cabin in the forest on the other side of our land. Help her remember",Cole's father told him. He nodded and got up without a word before making his way to his cupboards to pack. After three weeks of him and Arael avoiding each other to the best of their abilities, she had started getting worse and he had started virtually becoming a zombie. He didn't speak to anyone or show any emotion what so ever. All he did was what was necessary, eat something and breathe, and then he sat in his room staring out of the window all day.

He didn't eat much, just enough to get by without starving. The only water he got in was from the bottle whiskey he had with him, always getting a maid to refill it before it could empty. He hadn't showered or shaved in days and his clothes had stayed the same as well.

Looking into the mirror, he could hardly recognise himself. Dark bags were under his eyes, a dark, week-old beard on his face, cheeks sunken in. He had lost a lot of weight from not eating and exercising for so long. Basically, he looked like shit and he knew it.

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