Chapter 13

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Cole looked up from the dinner table and froze as his eyes landed on Arael. She looked no different to what she did the last time he saw her, which was only a week ago, but he still studied every line and curve as if he hadn't seen her in years. That morning came back to him and hit him like a brick wall...

He woke up on the cold floor with a stiff body and red face. Everything was quiet except for the sounds of the rain outside. Hoping to feel better after washing the tears and dirt from the previous day off his body, Cole quickly showered. He looked at himself in the mirror and saw that his eyes were still slightly swollen and red from crying the previous night. After splashing some cold water on them, he changed into a T-shirt and sweatpants, making his way to the kitchen. He wanted to cook breakfast for Arael one last time before she left and they were forced to become enemies again. Making sure to be as quiet as he could so he didn't disturb her, he quickly cooked her a simple breakfast of eggs and bacon before walking to her room. He knocked softly and opened the door.

"Morning, Arael. I know you probably don't want to see me right now but I had to bring you breakfast one last time before you guys left",he said as he walked in but when he looked up the room was empty. The bed was made neatly and the cupboards were empty. She had left.

There was a small piece of paper on the end of the bed with neat flowing handwriting that could only be Arael's. He read:

"I had to leave before I saw you again... I will forever miss you.

Forever yours

He crushed up the page in his hand as they turned to fists. She had left without even saying goodbye to him...

He hurried out of the house, disregarding the plate of food as he left, and drove to the castle as quickly as he could, hoping she was still there with her parents. It still took him an hour or two even with ignoring all the road signs and rules. He hoped that if he got there quickly enough that he could catch one last glimpse of her before she left.

His parents looked up as he burst into the dining room, looking around frantically for any sign of her.

"Where are they? Where is Arael?",he asked out of breath. They smiled sadly at him and stopped eating, realising that he was upset about her leaving him behind.

"She came alone this morning and they left early so that they would be home before their people woke up. I'm sorry, Cole... She's gone",his mother told him softly. He collapsed onto a chair as he stared at the crumpled paper in his hand. It was the last thing he had of her. Everyone knew that fallens couldn't enter Haven, just as angels couldn't enter The Depths, without an invitation from the current King. He would never see her again and he didn't even get to say goodbye.

"Don't worry, my boy. The official time for us to be forced become enemies again isn't until the end of the month and we're going to go stay with them for a few days in a week to finalise the process. So you will be able to see her again",his father told him. He shook his head and laughed dryly before leaving.

Arael excused herself and turned to hurry out of the room, noticing his intense gaze, but he rushed after her and caught her arm by the stairs before pulling her back against him, hugging her from behind.

"Please stop running away from me",he said softly as he rested his cheek on the top of her head. She sighed, not realising she had relaxed back against him nor how natural it felt.

"If I don't run away you'll catch me some day... and I'm afraid of what you can make me feel once you've got me",she said softly, as if she were telling him a secret, making him smile. He had her now.

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