Ex-lover's Sweet Home

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Kyungsoo's P.O.V.

Working in crime investigation branch means you have to be ready for unpredictable events anytime. Who knew I have to come to my ex-lover's sweet home just within few months after returning to Seoul.

He was really having a luxurious life with his spouse who has been kidnapped by the notorious serial killer. Kidnapped still, because we haven't found out any trace of dead body or murder scene yet here except blood stains in the washroom.

I look at the wall where this couple has decorated many events of their life. Marriage, award receiving ceremony, family times etc etc. I can't refuse that Park Chanyeol's spouse is not beautiful. He is way too beautiful,but the way he approached made me think that he will be someone handicapped.

The big photograph where Park Chanyeol is smiling while leaning on newly wed bride Byun Baekhyun's shoulder makes me uncomfortable.

But the little photograph on one corner where Chanyeol was receiving a award was the starting of everything....

5 years back Park Chanyeol was just graduated from Korea National Police University and was waiting to be appointed as an inspection. He was working as a commander in a little police station of South Korea. I was his lover & colleague. Chanyeol caught attention from by completing graduation at young age with record marks and received an award for tracing a drug chain about which Seoul police branch was working.

He received an award from the Commissioner General of police. Right then Mr Byun was the head of police department...

Chanyeol was caught in his eyes and he managed Park family. Park family was always lower middle class family. The dream of living in Seoul as a relatives of honourable person of defense made them to agree on this marriage.

Chanyeol broke the relationship with Kyungsoo and he married Byun Baekhyun for raising higher.

Lieutenant Park has raised higher than what he would be depending on his age and experience. But everything happened in short time, because there was Mr Byun and Byun Baekhyun behind him.


6 hours has passed since the kidnapping. Chanyeol is staying in police station right now while trying to find a trace using digital branch of police station.

Mr Byun is sometimes yelling him in front of senior and junior officers randomly. I can watch tiredness and nervousness inside him.

Honestly I pray that Byun Baekhyun should be dead.

He was leading a life that he had taken illegally using power of money & father.

And Park Chanyeol was cheating on him with me!!!


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