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Lieutenant Oh Sehun takes a pencil while driving the board of investment into some segments. He has reserved almost 1/2th portion of the board for Byun Baekhyun's case. With the progression of case,he will fill the entire board with this psychopath's trace.

Although the psychopath is not still identified, every murder is still suspected to be his prey. The only and only standard that could be found as common is the rain and pattern of partially skinning the body, making a big wound on tummy to bring out the intestine, missing some viscera inside....

How could such gruesome murderer hiding from the civil society for a long time?

Most of his victims are from low or low medium socio-economic background. None of these murder was on spotlight and even sometimes families received body requesting no postmortem. A lot of time it was regarded as a bad spirit from the mount Jirisan and people didn't want much to dig out these murders.

Student, housewife, prostitutes...... Sehun categories the victims according to profession.

Missing organs are intestine, liver,spleen, kidney,uterus.... Sehun reads some notes from files ahead. These are sweet organs of human body except the intestines and uterus. Cannibalism is highly suspected as pattern of vanishing organs from dead bodies. But every cannibalism has a starting and triggering point...

What's the speciality of these victims to be prey of cannibalism?

Special organ need to be find out among them...

Uterus? A must organ to bear child? Every victim had uterus. And as a career Baekhyun also have uterus.

It was never possible to examine victim's uterus,as it was always missing along with other organs. But there were two proved pregnant persons among them.

Oh Sehun now can imagine a canine person who is sitting in front of plate full of steamy half boiled bloody sauce soaked uterus...

_____________________ Lieutenant Oh Sehun receives a phone call from a higher official from national security forensic department being impatient.

" Spot investment team cross checked the facts you wanted to be examined and has transferred the high profile file on station's confidential computer."

"I will check," Sehun replies while glimpsing over the police station's whole CCTV footage.


Lieutenant Oh Sehun sits on the first meeting of progression the case along with police commissioner, higher officials of police department.

"The more the time passing,the time is becoming crucial and I will like to cut formalities..."


An unexpected chilly sensation wanders through Chanyeol's spine sitting in the interrogation room. Interrogating several suspects and witnesses in this room is a part and parcel of his life. But sitting on the chair of judgment and sitting on the opposite chair of interrogating officer both are completely different in sensation.

"Greetings, Lieutenant Park," Entering into the interrogation room Oh Sehun sits on the chair of interrogating officer while resting his hands over the desk keeping few files.

"Greetings...," Chanyeol replies in short.

"I don't need to explain the procedure ,as you are well aware of this kind of interrogation. How is your marriage with Byun Baekhyun," Oh Sehun takes out a hand written question paper while cross checking.

"Everything is good between us."

"Any couple quarreling ? Any unfaith towards each other?"

"No... We both are compromising couple and you know that Baekhyun's father is even a police officer. That's why he was always considerate. I heard a lot of my colleagues having marital problems because of profession. But there's truly nothing misunderstanding between us," Chanyeol tries to reduce amount of cross checking by answering details.

"No unprofessional misunderstanding... Personal?" Sehun doesn't take time to question next.


"Are you two happy with marriage?"


"Arranged marriage or love marriage?"


"Was Baekhyun on another relationship? Before or after marriage?"

"No... His father was way too strict that he never stepped out of the territory his family defined."

"Then what's about you?"

"Are my high school random dating and teenage time pass counts on this?"

"Haha... Can be..."

"How long you two got married?"

"4 years almost."

"It's not 4 years completed yet," Sehun judges Chanyeol staring at his judgemental eyes.

"In July it will be... I said almost."

" No child yet?"



"Because it's not time yet to get one according to our plan."

"When is your plan then?"

"We have not decided anything yet recently."


"Next year and next year. The next year didn't come."

"Who didn't want the child?"

" It's not what you are thinking. We both respect our mutual decision. It's both of our decision."

"Any abortion history?"

"Why abortion is coming ,when even there's no pregnancy?"

"So abortion will come,if there's pregnancy,right?"

"I didn't mean that. We are from conservative family, married and well established to even bring up child. Why abortion will even happen between us?"

"Any sexual fraustation?"

" We two are normal couple with average sexual needs. None of us has any fraustation in sexual orientation or anything..."

"Well... "

"How it's possible for an normal couple not to know his spouse is pregnant for almost 4 months?"


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