Tincture Iodine

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"What do you exactly want?"

"A game."

"Okay,the game should be between you and me only. Why you are involving my spouse?"

"Using a pawn increase excitement of game."

"I am not playing the game in the way you want, if you don't leave my spouse alone. The moment you will leave him, I will play."

" You are cunning. Don't think I am using an unwanted pawn of you. You can't leave any consequences. There's no way for you to be happy."

"Excuse me. What are you thinking about me is wrong? There's even a great fault even before starting this game."

"I have not settled on a game with such risk ,if there's even a bit of fault. You can't even tell my standard to aesthetically bleed your beautiful spouse. I would like to get media coverage of my art.  Art for art's sake. I have given you an easy question to reply to let others know my concept of arts for humankind. A simple puzzle game."

"You have to prove that Baekhyun is unharmed even before you talk."

"Why don't you just answer, Lieutenant Park? Prove will be sent to increase the excitement of the game." 

"For the God sake,my spouse is pregnant. Your grudge is against me,not on my spouse or baby. I have interrupted your art. Baekhyun and the live inside him can't be punished for my fault. What kind of standard can make the baby even guilty to you?"

"I thought you were intelligent . But either you are not or you are pretending. You have to take the fall down for trying to fall me down too. Your and yours spouse's sin is unforgivable to me."


The recording stops here. The kidnapper called anonymously with a restricted phone number while hiding own voice. Sehun once again hears the recording coming back to the police station using headphones.

Sehun notes a few points in notebook ,when looking at the frequencies of the voice analysed in the computer.

The young lady police officer sitting next to him blushing while holding the sandwich that Sehun has offered her to eat. While trying to be cute ,she takes little bites on the sandwich.

"Arrange another interrogation with Lieutenant Park Chanyeol," Sehun orders the lady police officer, which makes her stand immediately.

"Sit down. First complete your eating," Sehun says in an ordered voice which makes the lady officer sit down and she takes a big bite which reveals a piece of paper inside the sandwich.

Sehun can't believe the doctor has shared his personal phone number inside the sandwich.


"What are you hiding, Lieutenant Park?" Sehun says sitting face to face with Chanyeol in another interrogation.

"I am not hiding anything."

" Unwanted pawn. The kidnapper is planning to drag you down. And your spouse was thinking to apply for abortion. There's something fishy in your relationship."

" Abortion? I don't believe it. Baekhyun can never say anything like that," Chanyeol says in high voice.

"Then your behaviour forced you to do it. If there's nothing wrong with him,then it has to be you," Sehun says in same tone of Chanyeol.

"Stop dragging the facts on me forcefully," Chanyeol ruffles his hair and says in stern voice.

" Extramarital affair. Was it yours or Byun Baekhyun's?" Sehun comes to next point.

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