Chapter 7

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I'm getting ready to go to the grocery store when there's a knock on the door.

I go to open it and Pin and Misha are standing there.

"Hey guys, I'm not going home until 6, why are you here?" I say and I notice there's a car behind them that's not theirs and I understand the look in their eyes as I close the door.

Theo walks out of his office, looking extremely hot and I try to hold that thought down as I invite them in.

"Pinaki AND Misha? You're pushing it now." He says as we walk past them and I just throw him a dirty look.

We all sit down at the table and we just sit there for a minute as we wait for our earpieces to go off.

"Pin, Misha and Mia are in Theodore Summer's house. Odessa Roi's personal team are watching them. Please be advised that they are not willing to accept that Odessa has done something wrong and are willing to hurt people to find out the 'truth.' They are suffering from blind faith." Rex says as we all sigh as we relax and shut all the windows and blinds around the house. "Be advised that we have contacted his children and they are being collected by their aunts and accompanied by Frankie, Taya and Kali."

I go to my room and get my uno and finally tell Theo what's going on.

"Yeah so your crazy ex-girlfriend's boss's workers are now watching us so make sure every blind is closed." He nods and me and him proceed to close every blind but do some method acting pretending to be kiss every time we close a blind, making our way through the back blinds upstairs while Pin and Misha do every single one on the bottom floor and we all just sit down and play uno when there's a knock at the door.

It's Molly, Sylvia, Valé and Stella.

I look and see that the car is still there and I close the door.

I hug them all and they hug me so tightly as if they've not seen me in years. It's relief.

I walk them through to the table and they sit down and Theo just stares at Stella.

"Essy the Lesbian." He says as he clicks his fingers and Stella laughs.

"Estella Sartori or Stella is what I call myself these days Theodore. Still a lesbian." She says as she shows her homescreen of her and her girlfriend, Danielle.

"Nice. How do you know Luna?" He says and she laughs.

"You weren't lying about him being nosy." Stella says as she laughs and everyone else starts laughing too, including Theo. I don't really understand why seeing as it sounded rude in my opinion.

"Mii, it's a joke don't worry. He's not offended even though he's a sensitive little bitch." Misha says when he sees the anxiety in my eyes. I really didn't understand but that last part I did understand.

"You're in my house Sartori." He says and Misha laughs.

"You could die without my siblings and I here, Summers." Misha says and he looks satisfied at Theo's reaction.

"I'll sit put for today." Theo says quickly as he sits down. "I don't think I've ever met you guys." He says to Molly, Sylvia and Valé.

"I'm Molly and these are my sisters Sylvia and Valentina." Molly says and they wave. "I'm in 11th grade and they're in their second years of university."

"Really? What are you studying?" Theo asks, nosing once again.

"You really ask freely. We don't mind though. Sylvia studies Media and Sociology and I study Sociology and Psychology." Valé says and Sylvia.

"We were with Mia for a year but she graduated high school earlier so she started university earlier than us. It was super fun and not the same without you Mii." She smiles sadly and I nod.

"Should we play some uno?" Misha says and everyone else agrees but me because I don't feel like it and in fact feel like crying.

"Yeah I'm just gonna go to the toilet." I say as I get up and go to one of the upstairs bathroom and I see Theo coming up after me. I then make a detour to Theo's room and go to the chaise lounge chair and just lie down on it.

"What's up?" He says as he closes the door.

"Nothing much. I just don't feel like socialising." I say as I turn around the chair.

"That's a lie. I can tell you love those people very much Lu." He says and I start to tear up.
"What's really up?" He sits down on the chair as I look at him.

"I feel like crying. I miss my family." I say and he nods.

"You can always go back and see them." He says and I half smile.

"I know but it's not the same knowing that my parents and brothers are doing fine without me, it's not the same for any of us knowing that our families are happy at home." I say as I start crying.

"Your families are alive?" He says and I nod.

"Only the three of us out of the adopted kids but it hurts. I used to see one of my brothers everyday when I was in university and it was like staring through a broken mirror. It was horrible." I said and he just pats my head gently.

"I'm sorry." He says and I cry for a little bit before I decided to get up, wipe my tears and go downstairs.

"Hey guys I'm back." I say as I sit down and they all congratulate me on feeling better, they knew the little things mattered to me.

Theo comes shortly after and we all play uno until a message comes through into our earpieces.

"The suspects have been apprehended and they are the last of Roi's team to be put into our custody." We all sigh a breath of relief as we all lie back in our seats.

"I guess we best be off." Pin says as everyone gets up. "We'll see you later, right Mii?" I nod and I hand them a set of keys to Theo's house.

"Bye." I say as they all walk out the door and I turn to see Theo just staring at me.


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