𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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"You're okay love, deep breath"

Hyunjin whispered as he helped
his mate hold his shaking legs up while Seungmin screamed openly,
not even trying to suppress it anymore.

His face was red and droplets
of sweat ran down his forehead
and temples while he desperately clawed on his alpha's arms,
the pain was just unbearable.

"One big push and the head
will finally start to crown,
you're almost done."

But the younger only shook
his head aggressively, sobbing
loudly when Hyunjin looked
up at him, the storm raging dangerously in his eyes.

Both were in pure distress,
Seungmin was scared and tired
and Hyunjin was scared that something would happen to his
mate or their baby.

"I know it hurts, I know you're tired.
But please don't give up now.
Don't give our baby up,
the pain is almost over.
Listen to me love"

The blonde intertwined their
hands and squeezed them gently,
waiting for Seungmin to look at him.

"That's right, now take a deep
breath for me, just like this."

The younger breathed in,
the first tears already running
down again as the muscles in his
belly began to tense again.

"And exhale, you're doing good.
And again, inhale.
And now push as hard as you can,
for me, for baby and for you."

Hyunjin could only squeeze his omega's hands back when Seungmin screamed, the baby's head finally crowning making the older gasp.

"W-what's wrong?"

"Minnie, t-the baby-"

The younger was already crying again, he was just so emotional so
he couldn't help but think of the
worst already.


"Baby has white hair."

"Does that-
Does that mean baby is like you?"

"I- I don't know Minnie."

But both didn't even have much
time to think about it when the next contraction came.

Hyunjin blinked his eyes confused,
his head had begun to ache so suddenly making his vision
blurry a bit.

"Big push Minnie, you got this"

He reached for the towel and
blindly cleaned the baby's head,
his sight disappearing more
and more.

A last cry left the brunette when
the little body slipped into the towel and Hyunjin lifted the tiny baby up,
cleaning their nose and mouth carefully and blindly cut the cord
as the newborn whimpered.

Seungmin cried softly,
the first happy cries that day
when he saw his fiance holding
their little one close to his chest.

"Welcome to the world little one,
I love you so much pup"

the older whispered as he cleaned their puppy's face the best he could.

Their baby was finally there,
after nine months of waiting
and twelve hours of pain,
tears and exhaustion.

A little boy with snow
white hair like his daddy,
cute tiny ears and tail and
those pretty almond-shaped
eyes like his mama.

He was so calm,
he didn't cry and scream,
he just whimpered very slightly
like the tiny puppy he was,
his head resting on his
daddy's chest.

Seungmin didn't notice how
his mate swayed a bit as he handed their little son over to his mama,
smiling softly with eyes closed as
the tears ran down his cheeks.

"Hi baby"

The younger boy whispered
through his tears, his hand going
up to caress the newborn's soft
cheek before he leaned down to
kiss his head.

"I love you so much,
my beautiful little angel.

Jinnie, he's so beautiful.
He's perfect.
His eyes are so pretty
just like yours."

Hyunjin tried so hard to suppress
his sobs and keep his eyes closed,
he just couldn't open them,
he didn't want it to be true.

He didn't want to open them
just to see nothing.

He just wanted to see his little son
and his beautiful fiance.

He just wanted to see his family.

Seungmin adjusted their tiny boy
on his chest so that he could drink
his first very important milk,
smiling softly when his son
sucked quietly.

"Such a good boy,
our little Sangwoo."

The new father caressed the baby's soft white hair until he noticed
a strange spot on the
newborn's nape.



"What's this?
It looks like a triangle, no.
It's a wave, why does he have
a blue wave on his nape?
Jinnie, look!"

Seungmin pointed worriedly at the small blue sign on the baby's skin,
scared that it was something bad.

The baby already looked so
much like his daddy.

No, he looked like a nature spirit,
like his father's spirit.

"I don't know Minnie, I can't"

Hyunjin whispered softly as he let his head hang, the tears never stopping.

"What, why?"

And Seungmin could only stifle a sob when his mate looked up at him.

These once so beautiful ice blue orbs had turned completely white,
so emotionless white.


It's a tiny baby boy uwu

𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨 || 𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲 𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐬Where stories live. Discover now