Season 1, ep 8, p1

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You groaned loudly as Ikki jumped on your stomach, Nevermore chirping on her perch. "Whyyyyyy?" You moaned sleepily as the little girl grinned down at you. "Wake up! Wake up! Mako and the others will be here soon!" cried Ikki. You rolled over on your side, making her yelp as she fell on the floor. "Come back when I care." You grumbled, closing your (e/c) eyes, and pulling your blanket back up. Behind you, Ikki crossed her arms and pouted at your back. She looked at Nevermore and giggled as the baby dragon landed on her shoulder, nuzzling her cheek. 

"Fine, (Y/N). I guess I'll have to get Meelo in here....and he had eggs for breakfast, so he'll be extra gassy this morning." She sang as your eyes flew open. She's done that before and you have no doubt that she'd do it again, so you reluctantly sat up. "Fine, Cheeky Ikki, let me get dressed." Giggling, she closed your door as she ran off.

You popped your back, and stretched your arms before shivering from the cool morning air. You walked over to your discarded robes, and decided to go with your water tribe outfit today:

Walking over to your vanity, you grabbed your water proof concealer and started to cover your arrows before sliding your arm band over your bicep, before grabbing your brush

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Walking over to your vanity, you grabbed your water proof concealer and started to cover your arrows before sliding your arm band over your bicep, before grabbing your brush. You wrestled with the tangles and growled as the brush broke. "That's the 10th brush this month!" Annoyed, you pulled your hair into a messy bun, leaving your bangs in your face, using an ice dagger to neatly trim your bangs. 

Looking in the mirror, you frowned at the dark bags under your eyes and shrugged. 'Good enough.'  

Ikki was waiting outside with an apple in each hand, and giggled holding your hand. She began rambling about something, however you kind of tuned her out. You love Jinora and Meelo, but you had a much more special and deeper connection with Ikki. "(Y/N)?" She asked as you looked down at her with apple in your mouth. "Hmm?" She smiled brightly. "I love you!" she chirped, gray eyes smiling brightly. 

You smiled, picking her up and placing her on your hip, bumping her nose against yours. "I love you too, Ikki." 

You made your way to the dock, and let Ikki run over to her siblings as you hopped onto Neo, watching the boat sail in. "You're finally here!" cried Ikki, as she and the others waved. "Welcome to Air Temple Island! Your new home!" "Yeah, welcome to my domain."Meelo chirped next to his sister. "Well, aren't you sweet, little monk child." Bolin grinned at the 5 year old. Meelo watched with interest as Pabu ran off Bolin's shoulder and over to Nevermore. "What's that creature?" He asked curiously.

"That is a fire ferret. An abnormal mammal common to the bamboo forests of the central Earth kingdom." Jinora said, educating her brother. "He's so cute!" Ikki squealed, making you and Jinora cover your ears at the high pitched noise. Meelo used an air tornado to launch himself onto Naga, as Ikki chased Pabu who hissed. "Yip-yip! Fly, sky bison! Fly!" Meelo cheered from atop of Naga's head, gently pulling at her ears. 

"Thanks for sending the Air Acolytes to help us with the move." Mako turned to Korra. "Yes, they've been amazing. Such tireless workers." You kept your eyes on the airbender kids and ignored the stares at your back, but continued to listen to the conversation. "Oh, I thought you guys were bringing a few things." Korra laughed slightly. 

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