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Earth, 1988

Waiting in a hallway, outside of a hospital room, sat two kids. One was a boy, who was listening to his walkman, and had a bruised eye. He had light dark hair, and blue glimmering eyes. The other was a girl, who was also listening to a walkman, but her own. She had dark brown long hair, and brown doe eyes. They had differences as siblings do, but they also had similarities. Same mom, same dad, same birthday. But they were also softly crying to themselves. Peter and Meadow Quill. Fraternal twins.

On this particular day, it was sad. They were about to lose their mother, and have to live with a father they never knew. The twins were pulled out from their thoughts when their Grandpa walked up to them. "Peter, Meadow," he called to them, bending down to their eye level. Meadow slowly pulled her headphones out, and faced her grandfather while Peter didn't pay attention. "Your mama wants to speak with you." Still, Peter didn't move. Meadow needed Peter, and Peter needed Meadow, but he was already pushing everyone away. "Come on, Pete. Take these fool things off." His grandfather took off his headphones and turned the walkman off. He put it into Peter's backpack before Peter and Meadow nervously got up. Their grandpa guided them towards the hospital room, where people surrounded a bed — all of them crying.

Meadow and Peter slowly walked up to their sick mother, who was just moments away from going to the Heavens above. She had cancer, and it was the worst thing to ever happen to them. But when their mother, Meredith Quill, saw her babies, she immediately saw Peter's bruised eye. "Why have you been fighting with the other boys again, baby?" Meredith asked but Peter couldn't even look at her. Meadow looked at her brother, and wished he would just look, acknowledge her before it was too late. She knew he would regret it. "Peter?"

"They killed a little frog that ain't done nothing. Smushed it with a stick," young Peter told his mother.

"You're so like your daddy. You even look like him. And he was an angel. Composed out of pure light," Meredith said, before she looked at Meadow, who was trying to look strong for her mother. But Meredith knew her children like the back of her hand, and she knew her baby girl was barely hanging on. "It's okay, baby. Mama's going to a better place, and one day we'll all see each other again."

"But I don't want you to go," Meadow creaked, pouting as tears formed in her little brown eyes.

"Oh, baby," Meredith said with a weak smile. "You have such a big and beautiful heart, and I will always love you, and you'll always be a part of me." Meadow's eyes were like kaleidoscopes now, and Meredith couldn't be more in awe. "You both are my starlights through the dark nights."

"Mer?" Peter and Meadow's grandpa asked. "You got present there for Peter and Meadow, don't you?"

"Of course," Meredith said before she weakly slid two presents towards her children. "There."

"I've got you covered," their grandpa said as he placed their presents in their backpacks.

"You open it up when I'm gone, okay? Your grandpa is gonna take such good care of you. At least until your daddy comes back to get you," Meredith said, then she held out her hand for them to take. "Take my hand." Instead of just taking her hand, Meadow hugs her mother, shutting her eyes close, feeling her warmth just one more time. But meanwhile, Peter still wouldn't even look at his mother. "Peter."

"Pete, come on," their grandpa said.

"Take my hand," Meredith said, but right then, Meadow broke inside. Her felt the light and warmth inside her widdle away into nothing. She felt her take a last breath, and that was it. The monitor's went flat, and Peter looked at his mother.

"Mama?" Meadow asked as she broke from her, the image of her dead mother now stuck in her head. "Mama?!"

"Mom! No! No! No!" young Peter yelled as Meadow started sobbing. They were so hysterical that their grandpa had to drag them out of the hospital room.

"You've got to stay here, please," he told them before walking back inside the room. The two siblings were too hysteric, and shattered by what they will forever remember. Meadow crashed herself into her brother's arms, as tears broke down both their faces. But Peter couldn't take it. He was angry. He was broken. He was shattered. Staying there with Meadow, when they needed each other the most, wasn't enough for him. He ran off, leaving Meadow to herself.

"Peter!" She yelled before she ran after him.

Running outside, Peter stopped in the middle of a field, breaking down into tears when suddenly a blue light hovered over him.

Right as Meadow ran out of the building, she saw her brother get taken by something, something not from their world. "PETER!" Now not only did she lose her mother, Meadow lost her brother.

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