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Liv, Gamora, Rocket, Groot, and Quill all found mining pods but they were one-seaters. "I'll come back for you, Liv. Okay? Just give me a minute."

Liv nodded before she watched her Uncle get in a pod, and zoom off. Gamora too. "I told you, you can't fit," Rocket said and Liv looked over to see the raccoon lecturing the humanoid. "Now, wait here. I'll be back."


As the three flew off, trying to get the orb to the Milano, Nebula stepped off of Ronan's ship just to see her sister getting away. "It is Gamora," Nebula said and Ronan looked back at her. "She is escaping with the orb." She turned to some foot soldiers and ordered them back into the ship.

Ronan began to go back into the ship as well, but Drax wouldn't let that happen. "No!"

He ran towards Ronan, about to strike him with his daggers, but Ronan easily dodged his attack. "Nebula...retrieve the orb." Ronan stayed back and fought Drax while Nebula took off on the ship, going after her sister.


Once they realized Nebula was on their tails, Quill swerved over to Rocket's, letting Gamora get way ahead of them. "Rocket, keep them off Gamora until she gets to the Milano."

"How? We've got no weaponry on these things," Rocket said.

"These pods are industrial grade, they're nearly indestructible," Quill told him.

"Not against Necroblasts, they're not," Rocket said but Quill sighed.

"That's not what I'm saying," he said.

"Oh!" Rocket exclaimed.

Rocket then took his pod over to the two ships chasing them, but he purposely crashed into each one of them, destroying them both. But when another one came over to try and shoot his pod, Rocket flew straight into it, causing it to explode.

Meanwhile, Quill hijacked one of the ships chasing them. "Let me borrow your ride." And when he finally got into control, he began to shoot at the ships that were after Gamora.


On the ground, Drax punched Ronan, but he caught it and grabbed his throat. Drax tried to get him off of him but nothing happened. He then flipped him upside down, landing Drax on the ground on his back. "I don't recall killing your family. I doubt I'll remember killing you, either."


At the same time, Nebula and her crew continued after Gamora, so much so, that she kept getting stuck in the same routine over and over. "Quill, I'm trapped! I can't make it to the Milano, I have to head out."

"What?! Wait! These things aren't meant to go out there!"

But Gamora ignored him and zoomed right towards the atmosphere with Nebula chasing after her. "You are a disappointment, sister. Of all our siblings, I hated you least."

"Nebula, please. If Ronan gets this stone, he'll kill us all."

"Not all. You will already be dead," Nebula said, before she pulled her trigger, locking onto Gamora.

Gamora's ship blew up right as Quill and Rocket's caught up, just to see Gamora float out into space. The two watched tensely while Nebula took the Orb and flew off.


On the ground, Ronan dragged an assumed dead Drax across the ground, before throwing him into a tub of yellow liquid. As Ronan just stared at the tub for a moment, his ship slowly hovered behind him. "Ronan, it is done."

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