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When Micah was finished with his drawing, he looked at it and was content on how it turned out. The drawing showed a charcoal picture of Erick looking up at the vibrant blue sky. Micah used color pencils for the blue sky and green grass, etcetera. He drew Erick in charcoal because he thinks that he must feel like shit and depressed, and he drew the outside in color because Micah made him happy. And when your happy you see things in color.

He sighed and got up from his desk, and decided to go for a walk around the neighborhood. He walked downstairs and saw his parents sitting in the living room watching TV. He slips on his galaxy converse which are placed by the front door. He tells his parents that he's going for a walk and he'll be back in while. He hears his mom mutter an okay and he's out the door, and shuts the door behind him.

The crisp fall air hits Micah's face and bare arms, he shivers from the coldness of the wind. Damn should've wore a hoodie, he thinks to himself. He doesn't walk back to his house, he just keeps waking down the sidewalk until he gets to his destination. His destination is actually a park that he hasn't been to in years. He heads over the swings because as a kid, Liam and him would swing on the swings for hours when they were little.

He sits in the swing that's in the middle because he always preferred the middle swing than the other ones. He just sits there swaying in the swing for a bit till he hears someone sit in the swing beside him. He hears the person sigh and he takes a glance at the person next to him. The person next is actually a guy and he's wearing a dark blue hoodie, and a pair of white joggers, and some black vans. The guy catches him staring and raises an amuses eyebrow.

"Why are you staring at me?" The nameless guy asks. Now, Micah really wants to say cause your beautiful because yes he did watch The Fault In Our Stars. But no he won't say that because that'd be a bit weird. So tries to play it off the best he can.

"I wasn't looking at you...I was looking at the tree behind you," Micah terribly lies. Yeah...maybe he should learn to lie better.

"Right sure you were," the guy says sarcastically. "You can't lie for shit you know that right?"

"No shit sherlock,"Micah says sarcastically. Like he hasn't been told that many times before. The guy laughs and Micah's lips curl up into a small smile. The boy stops laughing and heaves a heavy sigh.

"What's got you down in the dumps?" Micah puts a little humor into his question.

"My parents are pricks but I love em'. I just wish sometimes that they would stop treating me like a child. We got into a argument. It was about me coming home past curfew, got home about two in the morning. My curfew is 11:30. I think what pissed my parents off the most is that it was a school night. I'm grounded for a whole week," he explains. "You probably think the situation is stupid?"

Micah didn't want to come off as rude or anything because he just met the guy. So he just went a simple nod and decided to steer the conversation elsewhere.

"So um what's your name?" Micah asks.

"Kaedan...my name's Kaedan." He says with a smile. "And what's yours if you don't mind me asking?"

"No I don't mind, and it's Micah, you can call Mi if ya want." Micah shrugs.

"Well nice to meet you Micah. I'll see you around, yeah?" Kaedan grins and gets up from the swing.

"Uh yeah...I guess," Micah says.


Micah gets home around five and he's surprised to see Liam sitting in his living room. Micah thought that Liam would be having fun with his girlfriend. If you get what I mean.

"Hey Liam, what are you doing here?" Micah asks because he's honestly confused. He walks towards the couch Liam's sitting on and keeps a respectful distance them.

"What? Is it illegal to see my best friend now?" He jokes. Micah sees his face harden and he's looking at Micah with...is that anger in his eyes?

"Who was that?" Liam questions.

"Who was who, Liam?" Micah answers Liam's question with a question.

"That guy I saw you talking with in the park? Yeah, that one." Liam's jaw clenches.

"That guy, his name is Kaedan and why are you getting so pissy and jealous? It's not like your my boyfriend." Micah narrows his eyes. Liam exhales slowly and unclenches his jaw.

"You're right. I'm not your boyfriend. But you are mine." Liam surges forward and kisses Micah's lips hotly. Liam doesn't waste time parting Micah's lips with his tougne. Micah gasps when Liam's tougne skims over his own. Liam tastes like Liam and mint.

Liam pulls away from the kiss and starts kissing Micah's neck. Micah turns his neck a bit the side to give Liam more access. Micah moans softly when Liam starts sucking on his sweet spot. "You're mine," Liam whispers against Micah's ear.
"Yes Liam, yours," Micah moans.


Hey lovelies! Long time no see lol. The reason it took me so long to update was that my grandma died last week and I just didn't feel like updating. And the other reason is that I kinda had a writer's block but now I don't so yay! I missed you guys... It might take me a while but I sure hope that I get back into my writing routine again. Oh and thanks for the 100+ reads makes me proud and happy that you guys actually read this :))

So how did you feel about jealous/possessive Liam?? Tbh I thought it was kinda hot. I was gonna write full on smut but I decided to wait a little longer. Consider that a little teaser to what's to come in the later chapters. I changed the title of the story and the cover it also. So it's no longer Nothing But Platonic now it's Anything But Platonic. Not much changed but I thought it sounded it better than nothing but platonic.
It's good to be back - A





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