About everything.

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Just as a quick explanation lemme run down the world, game, rules and changes I've made to it all for ya.

Darwin's game is basically a show where people are sent invites to a game, called Darwin's game, and are given a superpower called a sigil. Most sigils are pretty specific, for example a girl in the show can control any wire like object with her mind. She mainly uses it for chains. Another character can teleport but only around 10 metres. Some characters have broader powers like chlorokenesis or aquakenesis. Some are pretty useless like telling truths from a lie and some are EXTREMELY specific like the power to control box cutters, spit them into segments and fire them as high velocity projectiles.

The game consists of matches, events and encounters. Matches are started by either player on the leader bored and end when one player is dead or surrenders. The winner gets points which can be converted to real money or used in the in game shop for real items such as guns and grenades. Events are special battle royals with a bunch of players and one objective, find all the rings, kill a certain type of thing, that stuff. Encounters are if you encounter someone who plays the game anywhere, you can challenge them and they don't really have a choice whether to fight or not. There is also a clan system in the game where you assemble a group of people to fight alongside you.

The game takes place in the real world, so the rules are as follows:
-You can't tell anyone about the game without them being in it. You can send them an invite but if they don't click it that's that.
-The match will go on until a player surrenders or dies trying.
-since the game takes place irl the game uses a concealment function to hide the players. This only applies in battles so to use it someone has to officially initiate a battle
-from what I understand in the anime you can use your sigil outside of matches and events and even use it to kill people who aren't part of the game. However it's hard to say as the character who does this most both has a sigil you can't understand at 1st glance if you don't know what's going on and kills the people who do see him use it. For the sake of simplicity though I'll allow discrete use of sigils.
-another thing that isn't explicitly said but is heavily implied is that characters who play the game have some form of increased durability, the main character being batted across rooms and through walls with just bruising whereas normal people should have broken bones galore.

So now that that's all that, the changes I've made are as follows:
- it's not in Japan like the anime, the game is shown to be internationally known so this will take place in my home of South Africa, since I understand it and don't have to do any currency calculations.
- the characters have pretty much nothing to do with my story, truly I just love the concept and game, i think it has just so much potential! So I'm making a completely original cast of characters for my own take on it.
- I felt like I could do more with the concept of sigils so I'm adding in phases of a sigil. What this basically means is a persons sigil is leveled up as they go, gaining a host of new powers in the process but still linking back to the central main power. This concept is kinda used in the show as people use their sigils in different ways such as the girl who can understand all matter around her being able to also understand all thoughts within her head or the chlorokenetic guy being able to create armour out of seeds and use mind controlling fungal spores to control people like zombies. I just felt like I'd give it a harder leveling system to help us understand what people can and can't do, as well as being able to make a variety of cool powers for my MC.

I think that's pretty much it but if you have any questions feel free to drop em in the comments and I'll answer them to the best of my abilities!

Oh and as a warning there might be some gorey elements, nothing insane just references to blood, cuts and other battle type injuries, especially since most battles are to the death as it's the nature of the game and there will most definitely be swearing so if you uncomfortable it's ok to just tab out now😅


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