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Anna, she was there, she was staring at him. Her eyes were fixated on him, he could feel her gaze piercing his soul. That however wasn't the part that worried Kai, it was what was in her hand... Her phone.

Kai tried to rationalize it in his head, she's stared at him before. There was a week where she didn't stop stalking him, but this was different. Suddenly she looked away, and then to her phone. Kai still felt uneasy but less so, maybe he was just being paranoid. He looked around and was about to go to Hassan when all of a sudden he felt his phone buzz.

"Oh god" he thought. He slowly pulled up his phone,  as he unlocked it he read the message.

<Darwin's game: message from Buildt: Yes, it's me.>

Kai felt his heart drop once again, he felt sick to his stomach. He sprinted to the bathrooms as fast as possible. He got to a toilet and immediately started throwing up. As he sat in the closed stall it dawned on him, Anna hates him, a lot. She won't hesitate to try and kill him at any moment, and he doesn't even know what his sigil is. Oh my god, I'm going to have to fight her, I'm gonna have to kill her. I hate her too but... I can't kill her, it wouldn't be right. As his thoughts raced through his mind he heard someone enter the bathroom. He saw their feet draw closer to the door, and they knocked.

"Occupado amigo"  Kai joked, trying to get himself out of the state he was in.

"I challenge you." A voice said, a voice kai had not heard in atleast a year.

Kai could feel his mind break, he was cornered, at a loss. Now however, was not the time to cower, now was the time Kai had to act. Kai took 3 deep breaths, and collected himself. He put a stick of gum in his mouth and then stood up. He pulled out the pack of cards that he carried that he used to fidget, to keep concentration and in this case ease his nerves. He unlocked the stall,  put on his best smug smile and opened the door.

"Anna! Can't say it's great to see you in honestly, but what brings you here? I mean I know we did it here a couple o' times but cmon we died out ages ago."

"I want to challenge you" Anna repeated, in a stern voice, you could hear the anger bubbling up in her voice."

"Challenge me? What'd ya mean? I mean personally to me, existing on the same planet as you is a challenge, so can we call it one and done?" Kai retorted while shuffling his cards in his hand. Everyone in his school knew he had a silver tongue, able to get himself out of any situation.

Anna looked at Kai with pure anger now, "I'm talking about Darwin's game you idiot, I know you're dumb but that's a new low."

"Ah sticks and stones Anna, sticks and stones. Listen I'd love to relive the last year with you cuz I REALLY miss the abuse but my friends are probably looking for me. Oh shit sorry I forgot you don't know what friends are, I guess the equivalent for you would be your loser squad." Kai smiled as he walked past Anna.

As he got to the door she said, "fine then king of monsters, I guess Jane will have to do then."

Kai stopped walking. He could feel his blood boiling. His heart was filled to the brim with anger, and hate.
"You touch one hair on her hair and I'll end you."

"Oh,  well then it's simple. If I die I can't touch her can I?" Anna drew closer to Kai, and whispered into his ear, "Oh but if you lose, well then I'll make sure she suffers too."

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