
36 4 2

Kai shouted as he flinched

"Haha now who's the garbage Kai!?"
Jacob laughed

Kai smirked, as a card flew out of his pocket and went down to the floor, severing all the mushrooms holding his foot. It continued to fly, going up to Jacob's neck.

"You Jacob, you'll always be garbage. Just turns out you're pathetic, weak garbage too." Kai said, his tone cold and angered.

"If you'd really like to fight we can do it right now, I have no problem killing you and ending your miserable life right here and now."

Jacob looked at Kai, he was afraid, Kai was always an intimidating figure, but Jacob had known him for years. He stopped being scared of him a long time ago. Though today was different, today he felt pure, unbridled fear.

"It's all HER fault, after she abandoned you you changed Kai! I thought I knew you but after she did it you changed, you looked for love anywhere you could even if it was MY girlfriend!" Jacob screamed through his tears.

Kai was even more angry, but now it was different, what was once cold unfeeling pitty, was now a fiery flame of pure hatred, it was clear in his eyes.

"I'VE BLMAED ALOT OF THINGS ON THAT BITCH, ALOT OF MY PROBLEMS, BUT HELPING ELLA WAS NOT ONE OF THEM" Kai shouted, his card that he used as a threat now cutting through Jacob's neck, on the side to not kill him.

"AGH!" Jacob cried in pain.

"Don't you ever pretend like you know me Jacob. When I needed you, you stuck to her side. When Ella told me about how horrid you treat her,  combined with her telling me all you told THE ONE PERSON I BEGGED YOU NOT TO SPEAK TO,  ABOUT ME. It was clear to me then, you weren't a hero, you weren't even a friend, you were just a stinking, filthy, RAT."

Jacob looked at Kai, his hand in the side of his neck holding his wound, angry.
"Kai I challenge you, right here, right now. No mercy no pulling punches, a death match."

"Jacob, you'll die within the minute, your power of what? Controlling mushrooms? It can't help you." Kai said dismissively.

"I don't care, I'm done just wanting to kill you, I'm going to kill you and Ella will stop pretending like she wants to leave me"

"It's not pretend Jacob you just brainwashed her" Kai said.

"Ella is mine again Kai, fight me or I'll make her tell me everything you told her about them, about her."

"She wouldn't-"

Jacob hissed, interrupting Kai.

Kai's facial expressions darkened, no longer was he angry or full of pity for Jacob, he was now just cold once again. "Let's go" he said

They both took out their phones to initiate the battle.
<encounter battle, TheDealer vs Funguy>

Jacob was about to look up from his phone, when a drop of blood fell onto his screen. Then another, and another. He noticed a sharp pain, in his neck. He lifted his hand to it, only to brush on a card, embedded in his throat. His throat and mouth began to fill up with blood, as it also flowed from the hole in his throat. A white blur flew from his throat, as he followed it he saw Kai, standing there. A card in his hand, his eyes glowing a bright, shining crimson. In his hand was the 2 of hearts. He tried to speak but all that came out was inaudible gargled choking.

"The 2 of hearts, 2 hearts, 2 lovers. Seems date didn't only choose it for it's dramatic irony though, Jacob."

As Kai spoke Jacobs vision blurred, his ears rang. He fell to the floor.

"The 2 is also the lowest valued card in a deck"

Jacob began to black out in intervals. Kai still spoke but Jacob could only make out parts of what he was saying.

"It's ____ because  I ____ ____ so ____ little ___ ____ universe ___ me___ lowest___ card ___ ___deck"

And with that he was dead.
<TheDealer wins>
Cubes formed all around his body, and it disappeared chunk by chunk. Taking  pieces floor with it too.

Kai felt strange, he just took another man's life, he thought he'd be feeling remorseful, sick, but he didn't. He was relieved, he didn't have to worry about Ella any longer and on top of that she wouldn't have anymore information about Kai, atleast for now. This wasn't like Anna, he didn't feel the need to spare Jacob, he wasn't worth it. He never would've been. Kai took evil out of the world and he was ok with that, even if it came at the cost of a life. At the cost of Kai's innocence.

Kai casually walked off. The game had ended and he didn't want to be near the hole that left from Jacobs body, people would find it suspicious.

Atleast for now he felt, ok.
•K's notes•
I've been dead. So basically to cut a long story short I simply felt like my hard work was simply just plopping down into the void with this story. I felt, I don't wanna say burnt out cuz it wasn't burn out, more of just like disillusioned cuz I stared off strong and now it kinda felt like it was going nowhere in terms of growth, i felt stagnant and I don't really get votes or comments so it kinda just feels like it's work going to nothing. That coupled with finals and I took a much needed break from writing.

That being said for the time being I'm not gonna shelf the story just yet, I have other plans for stories yeah like a videogame post apocalyptic bard, and edgy vampire teen and now a mystical time controlling elemental as well as a superhero story. I'm seeing if imma post Those when I'm happy with them so if you think any of these ideas tickle your fancy do drop a comment on this about which one you'd like to see me do and with any luck I'll do it and no it won't be at this stories expense I'll do them side by side.

I also have a story colab I'm working on set in the world of yu gi oh and when it's out I will link it to all 5 of you my loyal readers;)

And yeah I'm deeply sorry for the wait whoever did wait, and please do interact with me so Ik you're there at the very least, it's really what keeps me motivated, the more interaction the faster the next chapter will come out

Until we meet again,

Darwin's Gambit &lt;Darwin's game but not&gt;Where stories live. Discover now