Let the games begin

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"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?" Kai asked, frantically searching for answers. "It's death, destruction, it's this feeling of fear, knowing you'll never wake up from this never ending nightmare." Jane said, sobbing on the ground in-front of Kai. "Jane, I love you, you know that, but please calm down and tell me what's really happening." Jane looked up at Kai, his face smiling, yet she could see something in his eyes, something that she'd never seen before, fear. "I...Alright." She said. Kai offered his hand to her, to help her up, "C'mon I know a diner not far from here where we can rest." Jane looked at him, with a worried face "won't your parents be pissed about you not being home?" Kai  smiled "They will be, but I feel like this is a bit more important than doing an essay."
<At the diner>
"Ok so explain this *game* to me" Kai said as he bit into his burger.

"Darwin's game is a game where you kill players for points, points can be turned into money and that's why most people play it" Jane said, ashamed of herself for roping her friend into this death trap.

"I see...and what about that crazy blue thing you did? What was that?" Kai asked,  gesturing to Jane's hand.

"Everyone who participated in the game gets a sigil, a superpower that you can use to give yourself some kinda edge in battle." Jane said as she continued to explain. "mine is called blue light razor, it's pretty self explanatory, but it basically lets me shoot razors made out of blue light."

"OH SHIT DOES THAT MEAN I GET A SUPERPOWER TOO!?" Kai said, slamming his hand onto the table as grinned looking at Jane.

"Sigil, and yes you do, I thought you knew it already, like hyper awareness or something." Jane sighed.

"Oh? And what made you think that?" Kai said, staring in utter confusion as he retracted back into his seat.

"The way you dodged that psychopath, and how you knew exactly when to move!" Jane said in disbelief

"Oh hahaha nahhhh, all those brutal games I play finally started paying off, they need such quick reaction time it's almost like when I need to, I can see in slow motion." Kai chuckled at his friends assumption.

"What the- Alright take out your phone." Jane snapped, she sounded pretty mad.

"Sheesh no need to get mean, here" Kai said handing her the phone.

"I'm not...ARGH never mind" Jane frustratedly said.
"There, something called Hermes' grip"

"Hermès huh? Damn he's the shittiest of the Greek gods." Kai was defeated in tone. "Couldn't be Zeus or Ares, hell I'd settle for Dionysus or even Aphrodite, atleast she had big tits. Yknow Hermès is like the original fetch quest right?"

"Shut up" Jane playfully says. She goes quiet suddenly. In a somber tone she says "Hey, thanks for not turning away when I was about to get chopped."

"Dude ofcours! I'd never." Kai says as he continues with a hand over janes shoulder. "I'm happy that you roped me into this. I mean the superpowers are great but now I can make sure you, and anyone else who was roped into this stupid game can be safe." Kai looked at Jane, his determination and smile, it filled her with hope. For the first time in months of living in this life within this horrid game she felt safe, like she didn't need to constantly watch her back, she felt hope.

It's a short chapter yeah but I felt like this was a good place to end it without it going into a different story, let's see if you can piece together Kai's sigil from my clues

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