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"Who am I?"
Kai asked as he laid on the bed

"You're kai who else?"
Jane said as she laid next to him

"Am I? I took someone's life, he no longer exists in this plain Jane! Yet I don't feel bad! Maybe I am a monster after all..."
Kai's tone wasn't as sad as it was just confused.

Jane took Kai's hand in hers
"Kai, remember when you saved me? You also assaulted a guy and while I ended up killing him, you still saved me. You're just someone who sees the ends as justifying the goals and that's ok Kai."

"I guess you're right"  Kai sighed as he sat up. "It's time I start heading home Jane"

" soon?" Jane asked him.

"Yeah I just feel a bit dead inside yknow?"

"Yeah, I guess I'll see you around Kai." Jane said wearily.

>Kai walking home<

Kai was walking home slowly, he was using this time to reflect on his past....
Sitting there, we were all so happy...
All except for her.
And then she snapped

A younger Kai on his hands and knees, his face with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"PLEASE  ¥<$<€  I'm begging you, what you're doing it's not only hurting me it's hurting my family!"

"I'm lost without you all"


Kai felt the anger flowing through his veins, and as he remembered he slowly got more and more angry. His fists clenched he felt like he was going to explode. Suddenly Kai's phone buzzed.

<friend request:Red_Queen>

"Hey hot-head", a voice said. A familiar voice.

Kai turned around, his eyes widened as who saw her. "No. NO! It can't be, anyone you!"
For the first time in a long time Kai sounded...afraid.

"Oh but it is, in the flesh." She said.

Kai felt a sickness growing in his stomach, similar to the feeling he felt when he found out Anna was part of the game. He felt himself losing balance as he stared at her.


"Yknow, when ¥<$<€ told us that you had joined D-game, well we were all ecstatic." She said as she cut him off.

That name, the name that had caused Kai such agony in the past, he couldn't even hear it it was so horrid in his memory. He fell to the ground.

"We figured now we all have a shot at killing you, hehe" she snickered, staring down at Kai. She licked her lips and continued "ofcourse now you're half the man you were, and that's saying something, you barely were a man back then anyway. Maybe that little girl you're so eager to protect will pose more of a challenge."

Kai felt a flame erupt within him.
"KIASHA!" he screamed at the girl, for that was her name.
"I used to be so powerless, against you all, the way you destroyed me, it left me broken." Kai said, as he stood up and dusted himself off.
"But now, I am in control."

"BWAHAHAHA, was that supposed to sound cool? You're still just a child playing pretend Kai, you think you're in control!? What a load of CRAP!"


Kiasha laughed again, as she walked closer to Kai. His muscles fealt tense. He was on guard but he felt uneasy still. Kiasha was always intelligent, one wrong move and he would pay.

"Lemme tell you a secret Kai."
She leaned closer to Kai, and whispered into his ear

"You see~~~~~~~~~~~"

Kai's eyes widened, his entire body felt like it was encased in cement, it felt as tho his very soul had fallen from its place. He was horrified.

Kiasha looked at Kai, "what a shame, you talk such a big talk but you were so fragile, just one revelation and you've crumbled. I think we're done here." Kiasha said, as she walked passed Kai, still in shock, processing what she had said. He couldn't believe it

He couldn't believe that...

K's notes

HAHA yep imma do that to ya, I truly am VERY sorry I haven't written in like, a year🤣 it's my first time being an adult so lots of things have been needing sorting, life is gonna get more hectic and imma keep posting but imma have to say it might be limited to a chapter a month until I get my shit together. I'll definitely try and work on the story in the background to get more chapters out but I can't promise anything, yknow how it is.
I do hope you enjoyed this chapter tho, hehe it's gonna be crazy

But I've been working on something just for y'all

Would you look at that it's everyone favourite MC Kai, hand drawn by your very own K

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Would you look at that it's everyone favourite MC Kai, hand drawn by your very own K. I'm thinkin of doing a portrait for our whole main cast, but we'll see how you guys receive this one first.😂

Anyway, catch y'all later gators

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