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Lmao, been a minute hasn't it? Ngl I was doing prelim exams and then I was just playing videogames, imma try to pump out a few chapters before I have to go dark again at the end of the month so...fingers crossed!

Oh and trigger warnings for some abuse and hints at homophobia so... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

Kai stood infront of a large, old building. The cold air of winter bit at his skin through his leather jacket. As he stood Jane's words from a prior conversation echoed through his mind.

"This isn't something you have to do alone Kai." Jane said as she looked at Kai with great concern.

"I know... but you don't want you involved in this and...and I can't let them get to you." Kai was visibly distressed

"Kai they could nev-"


Kai walked into an old building. The rickety doors creaked as he opened them. It led into a small square room, on one side it had doors, on the opposite side curtains. As Kai walked he pushed through the curtains. He walked into a large open space. Chairs were lined up in rows neatly, there was a space down the middle of them. It created a large pathway leading to a magnificent stage. It was lit up with bright greens and blues and pinks. Over it hung a sign that said, "where dreams become reality". Kai scoffed "yeah sure."

He walked further in, his bag hung over his shoulder. As he walked he could smell popcorn being popped. He had made it early, but they were already getting ready for today's shows. Kai walked through another pair of curtains that led to the west wing of the theatre. There he saw a short woman, her hair in a bun. She was carrying a baby with one hand an operating a popcorn machine with the other.

"Need a hand?" Kai asked.

"Yeah could you just....KAI! It's so good to see you again!" She was ecstatic to see Kai again after all this time.

"Hey Kerry, it's good to be back." Kai laughed. He then went silent, the whole room did. "So...are they gonna be here?" He asked timidly.

"No." Kerry replied. "The cast this time consists of a lot of people, most of them you don't know. I think the only people you'd care are here are Jacob and Ella."

"WHAT!? YAYYYY!" Kai had put on a facade of excitement but in reality he was annoyed. Jacob and Ella were definitely on a list of people Kai didn't want to see today. Though Kai did wonder what became of Ella, they were close, but that was a long time ago. They hadn't spoken in atleast a few months. Kai didn't regret it though, not like he regretted Anna. Not like he regretted them. "Well it's time I get to work aye?"

"Yeah, today I want you working sound and lights, ok?" Kerry said happily.

"Alrighty." Kai replied in a cheerful manner. Kai knew how to operate everything in the theatre so this would be a piece of cake. "Oh and where's doc? I wanted to see him yknow what with my great return and all." Doc was Kerry's father, he was one of the only people Kai had left here.

"Oh he's coming in later, which reminds me you're gonna need to set up the sound system."

Kai wandered around the theatre. He was working sure, but he was more interested in getting re-accustom to the old place again. He used to feel so peaceful when he was here. but now, as much as he felt nostalgic for it all, he still felt an overwhelming sense of dread being here. Kai hooked up speakers and set up various things around the theatre. As he did people started to trickle in slowly, some kids, a few adults, even some teenagers. They were all part of Kerry and Doc's star studded cast. Jacob walked through the curtains and he caught Kai's eye, but it didn't bother him, he just carried on working. Ella soon followed walking in, looking gloomier then when Kai had last seen her. Kai ignored them both although he knew he'd have to atleast interact with Ella due to her playing a lead role and needing a mic which Kai had to personally attach to her.
•just before the show•

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