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A girl sprints through the streets at night, she's short with light skin and strawberry blonde hair. She's obviously in a panic, panting, sweat beaded on her forehead. She glances at her phone. The map on her screen indicates a blue dot moving quickly through the streets, while a red dot on it is slowly catching up. Scrolling through an app she says to herself "CRAP WHAT CAN I DO? A HELP CALL? NO THAT WONT WORK I DON'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS ON THIS DAMN APP...I, I guess there only one real option left. I'm sorry for this." She sighs as she hits send invite to a contact on her phone.
Kai was doing his homework at his desk. With his right hand he disinterestedly jotted down sentence after sentence for an essay. While in his left he had a deck of playing cards, carefully he maneuvered them through his fingers, shuffling them and flipping them all with one hand. He was a gentleman of medium height, only 18 he felt short for his age, he was lanky though, long armed and long legged, with jet black hair, dark brown eyes and caramel coloured skin.

All of a sudden he gets a notification, "Jane sent me a message" Jane had a long history with mental illness and therefore when Kai saw a message from her he'd respond immediately. He unlocked his phone and opened up the messenger app, "you have been invited to Darwin's game" he read aloud, along with it was a link. Jane was an avid gamer so if she was inviting Kai to a game, a free one no less then it must've been good. "I think I've earned a break" he said as he touched the link. All of a sudden his phone started glowing a bright white.

" what the hell?" He said as he stared at his phone. Suddenly something started coming out of his phone, A snake! "SHIT THIS CANT BE REAL!" He yelled as the snake craned it's mouth opened revealing its large fangs. Without warning it struck! Leaving Kai paralyzed as he saw a vision of a butterfly pass by his work. It's fangs were buried deep in his neck, he could feel something coursing through his veins. Every inch of his body filling with an indescribable sensation. Suddenly it vanished, and everything was as it was. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" Kai exclaimed as he stood up, away from his desk. It wasn't over however, suddenly blue outlines of cubes started forming around his body, "WHAT NOW!?" He said as his body slowly started disappearing with the cubes. "What has she-" he was cut off as he vanished.

Jane was cornered, her back was against a wall. "So this is it?" She thought to herself, her eyes tearing up. "Of all the ways I thought I'd die I never imagined being killed by some psycho would be one of them." She sighed "WELL IF I'M GOING OUT, IT'LL BE WITH A BANG!" She stuck her hand out, launching razors made of pure blue light at the street infront of her. Suddenly a knife grazed her cheek, drawing blood. It was a shallow cut, nothing even remotely fatal, but it sent a chill down her spine. "He's here" she said as she saw a man, clad in a clown costume covered in splatters of dried blood.

" I'm really gonna enjoy cutting you into tiny pieces" he said cheerfully. He loomed over her, lifting his knife above his head to make his final blow, it was red hot like they are in those YouTube videos. Jane was spent, she couldn't make anymore razors if she wanted to. As she closed her eyes she accepted her fate. She was ready to die...

"HUH?" The clown said as Jane looked up she saw a hand holding the clown's hand back, preventing it from swinging down. " you aren't touching one hair on her head" a voice said, in a cold angry tone. She recognized that voice, "did he really come?" She thought. The hand pulled the clown back, while the person kneed him in the back, causing him to fall to the ground. "KAI!" Jane yelled, as she ran towards her friend jumping over the clown, who was now on the floor. "I don't really get what you sent me or how I got here Jane but don't worry, I got you" Kai said as he hugged the girl, she was the same age as him but only 4'9, considerably smaller than Kai.

"You little shit you'll pay for that" the clown said as he picked himself up, hunched over from the pain in his back. "Come get me" Kai said, his eyes filled with anger. The clown lunged forward, his knife swiping down infront of Kai who jumped back, not a second too early. As the knife hit the ground Kai kicked the clown square in the bridge of his nose. "Stay down asshole" Kai barked. The clown was mad, his eyes burning with red fury, as he stood up they started glowing a bright red, "I'm gonna reduce you to a pile of ash!" He shouted, as his knife was engulfed with flames, "What the fuck!?" Kai exclaimed as the flaming knife drew closer to him. "Go right!" Jane shouted, and as Kai did she launched a barrage of razors at the clown who was now barreling towards her after his failed shot at Kai. The razors tore through his body, cutting every limb atleast once, as he drew closer Jane jumped out of the way, and as she did he fell to the floor, bleeding out from every part of himself, lying on the floor. Suddenly he was surrounded by cubes, and his corpse vanished before their very eyes.

"><Match won, winner Timesclock><"
a computerized voice said.

"What the hell just happened?" Kai said, the shock of his situation finally catching up to him as the adrenaline wore off.

"I'm sorry Kai, I'm so so sorry." Jane said. She continued while tearing up. "

"Welcome to Darwin's game"

And so ends our chapter, hope y'all enjoy this, Imma try to upload consistently, even though I'm going through exams rn this is a good release for all my creative juices!
Hope y'all like it and carry on reading!!!

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