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It had been a day since Kai was roped into this "game" of death. He hadn't encountered any other players yet, but he knew something was going to happen. He was at school today. He felt uneasy, as if the very air around him was different. He often felt strange at school but this was different. He decided to ignore it and go about his day.

He was walking into the main building when he heard a voice call out to him. "Kai!" Kai looked back to see his friend, Hassan standing infront of him. Hassan was of the same hight as Kai, though he was a bit more muscular in build compared to Kai's skeletal look. He had dark skin and dark eyes, accompanied by large, thick glasses. "

Kai, how are you man?" Hassan said,  while pulling Kai in for a handshake.

"Honestly mate, I've been better." Kai said with weary sigh. He was exhausted. After his fight, and his introduction to Darwin's game, he took Jane home and by the time he got home and chewed out by his mother for leaving without telling her,  it was sunrise already.

"Yeah you look like shit dude." Hassan said, smiling and looking at Kai. Kai had days where he wouldn't sleep or was tired but today he was especially drained. His eyes were dark and his hair was messy, completely opposite from his usual look. His looks were his pride and joy seeing him like this, Hassan could see something was very off.

"I feel like shit" Kai said, giving a half hearted smile so not to worry his friend. Jane had told Kai that he shouldn't tell anyone about the game, if someone who isn't part of the game knows... usually they're never seen again.

"Ayt man, but if you need me I'm here." Hassan put his hand on Kai's shoulder. Kai took solace in this, knowing that he had friends that were there for him, even if they'd never know what he was going through, not that he knew what it really was either.

"I know mate. Now let's get inside, don't wanna be late for English." They both smiled at each other and walked to their class.

The school bell rang, it was time for break (recess to all you Americans)
Kai, Hassan and a few of their friends walked outside, they crowded around a large bench where they all could sit, and they talked, making jokes and eating. Kai was finally feeling like maybe he could make this work, he could protect Jane and whoever else needed him, and live a normal. He felt his phone vibrating, so he took it out of his pocket to check. Just like that his heart shattered. He felt a pit in his stomach as he read the words on the screen.

<Darwin's game: There are 12 players in your near vicinity>

Kai's eyes darted around, " WHO COULD IT BE!?" he thought. Jane told him about how even if he's cloaked off the class battle system, he could still be forced to participate in an encounter battle at anytime. The game would cloak him sure but that would mean he'd have to kill someone...or die trying. He fealt surrounded. In his grade alone there were atleast 100 people, in the highschool atleast 500. Out of 500 students 12. 12 play this hellish game. 12 are able to pounce on him at any moment. 12 are out to get him.

"Fuck ok breathe." Kai took 3 deep breaths in and collected himself. "There are 12 players near me right now. Jane is one of them. That's a definite. But that still leave 11 people ready to kill me." Kai was at a loss. He couldn't think straight. How was he supposed to attend school and constantly look over his shoulder?

As he stood there, he felt something...eyes...someone was watching him. He could feel someones eyes searing their gaze into his very soul. As he looked up he saw her... Anna.

~about a year ago~

Kai was standing, in a small corridor like area, at the top of a staircase. A girl was stood there, wrapped in his arms. The faint sound of music from afar filled the air. As they stood in the warm light of summer they swayed to the beat of the song.

"It was the right idea to get away from everyone." Kai said, as he stopped, to look the girl in the eyes. She was shorter than kai, her head reaching his chest. She had long black hair and was of Indian decent, like him.

"When are you going to learn that I'm always right?" She said, as she smirked looking at Kai.

"Just cuz you're a top student and a teachers pet doesn't mean you're better than me." Kai said while rolling his eyes.

"I mean it kinda does, but sure babe, no one is better than you." She sarcastically said.

Kai leaned back onto the wall behind him, lowering himself to the hight of the girl. They stared at each other in silence. Eventually she leaned in moving towards Kai, as they both closed their eyes, their lips met. Kai felt his heart racing, he felt whole.

After a bit they both pulled back, she looked at him with a smile and pressed her forehead against his.

"Did that just happen or am I hallucinating?" Kai whispered.

"That just happened... I love you Kai" the girl whispered back.

"I love you too Anna" Kai said, as he pulled the girl closer to him.
-K's notes-
Ooooo what can this all mean???? Hehehe you'll just have to wait and see!!!
Ik this chapter still isn't that long, but it's almost as much as the prologue chapter, I just felt like this is a good close to the chapter, cuz it gives you some emotional impact without taking it away by adding a whole other scene into the mix. But idk, tell me, do you like this length of chapter? Or would you like em shorter? Or longer?
Personally I like this length and I think I can go a bit longer at times but if you'd like a bit longer chapters I can TRY and make it happen, but anyway
Until next time

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