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It had been a week since Kai ran into Kiasha, a week since he learned a horrible truth.

"Lemme tell you a secret Kai."
She leaned closer to Kai, and whispered into his ear

"You see WE are all in D-game, and SHE has her sights set on you..."

Kai couldn't even bare the thought of her return, it made him sick to his stomach. The mere thought that he'd have to face her again, it filled him with fear, but also something else, something strange. An indescribable sensation that he felt in his very blood.
The people that had terrorised him for so long, BACK.

He sat in his room, his mind racing. He didn't know what to do. This was one of the few times he didn't know what to do. His whole life he'd always been the man with the plan, but now... just like before
He was powerless. He took 3 deep breaths. It barely calmed him down but it was enough for him to collect his thoughts. Kiasha told him they were all in D- game. He wasn't sure exactly how they knew he was in it but now he knew for sure who was part of it, who was targeting him. This meant that he could potentially prepare, he could fight back...he

Kai's heart felt like it skipped a beat, he really thought that, winning. Finally facing those monsters,  the ones who made him a monster. He realised if he was even to come close to pulling this off he'd need a plan of some kind.

Kai was sat at his desk working, he couldn't concentrate though, all he could think of was his plans. It didn't help that he was up the whole night thinking about it either. He thought about Jane, he didn't speak a word of this mess to her yet, he couldn't. He was supposed to be protecting her, the last thing he wanted was to get her involved in his mess.

"What's wrong?" Said a voice next to him.

He glanced over to see the face of his close friend RK next to him, he still had his eyes fixed to the board infront of them but kai knew he was listening attentively.

"Uhhh just this stupid game I've been playin." He whispered back

"Oh for real? Why you playin it if it's so stupid then?"

"I don't know man, have you ever felt like if you don't do something something bad will happen?"

"Yeah, it's a scary feeling but you'll know what to do when the time comes, you always do."

"Thanks dude you alw-"

And as kai tried to finish his sentence he was cut off

"KAI! Can you or RK tell us why the housing crisis had such a terrible effect on the economy!?" His teacher crowed

"Uhhhh well it caused a domino effect that impacted the economy negatively?" He said, blindly throwing together large words he heard in the back of his mind from this lesson.

"That is....correct." She said, to the disbelief of Kai.

RK smiled
"See, like that."

Just then Kai got a notification,

<Darwin's game:mass event starting in 30 minutes>

"Oh god what?"
Kai thought to himself.
•K's notes•
Guess who's back,
Back again
K is back
Tell your friends (please)
So damn, it's been like 6 months or smth
Sorry for taking so long, honestly university is a lot more work than I realised, I remember reading someone else saying they not uploading for a year cuz they were starting uni and I was like pffff how hard can it really be?
Spoiler alert
well I wouldn't say hard, more just utterly time consuming. Anyway I'm back, I'm not gonna promise anything new super soon whether that be the fabled other story I'm writing OR a new chapter of Darwin's gambit cuz tbh I have no idea when I'll be able to post, like I've been TRYING to write for MONTHS but EVERYTIME I try something comes up. Anyway sorry for being late, and super sorry this chapter is so short, it's not how I wanted my return to be but I'm just tryna ease my way back into writing. I do have CRAZY plans tho so dw the idea tank ain't done just yet. Uhhh other than that I love you if you've made it this far. Oh also don't hesitate to leave any comments or even dm me to tell me what you think or to get off my ass to write more, honestly I love it, knowing real people are invested in my creation. Anyway enough sappy shit

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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