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"I suggest you speak the fuck up if you dont wanna loose your other eye, bitch." I said with a bored sigh "or do you want me to call my best friend from up in the clouds?"

"No!" The demon cried out "dont call him! I'm just a henchman!"

"Then who do you work for?" I asked and sat in my seat across from the demon bleeding black blood from his mouth "speak up now."

"I dont know his name!" He sobbed "I just know I get orders, I follow them, I get paid!"

"Mmm." I hummed and put the edge of my blade to their neck, drawing a little blood "such a shame."

I drew my knife deep into his neck, and dug it from one end to the other, cutting his throat open. The warm blood sprayed on my face, and got all over my brand new suit I was going to wear to my date.

"Aww man." I whined and stood up "my suit. I looked all nice and everything."

"Well, you shouldnt have worn it while killing the demon." Solomon sighed heavily "get the blood you need, I wont be waiting forever in the car. Your dates in twenty minutes."

"Alright." I rolled my eyes "I'll hurry."

The wizard walked out of the basement of mine, and to the car. I walked over to the small table on the right of the dimmed lit room. And picked up a vile, then filled it with the demons blood that dripped down his neck. Then, I walked out the house and closed the front door behind me, and stepped in the passenger seat.

Oh yeah, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm y/n, a wizard like my friend, Solomon. I'm not as old like that old fart, though. My family's all dead, but I dont really care.

I didnt even care back when I was the one who pulled the trigger on them.

Yeah, I killed them, so fuckin what sue me if you have to. It ain't like I give a shit.

I'm only like two hundred years old. I met Solomon before everything went to shit for me and I killed my fam. I also met my other friend who's an angel, but we can talk about him later. I'm only killing demons for my own sake.

It's not entertaining or fun, honestly it's rather boorish. Im only after one certain demon that made me this way. Made me feel like I dont care about anything, or anyone. I killed my family to make myself feel something- anything. Remorse, regret, fear, anger.

I felt nothing.

I feel happiness, and anger and other emotions of course, but not for people, or if I do anyone wrong or not. Even if Solomon decided to kill me, I wouldnt care.

Being carefree isn't all like how you immagine it to be, reader.

It's not all parties, sticking your head out of a moving vehicle and smiling. Its killing someone and just only being able to roll your eyes in disappointment at how little you felt.

I cant tell you how much blood is on my hands, and I dont even care.

"We're here." Solomon stopped the car "see you in an hour... maybe less if she gets disturbed by all the .. demon blood."

"Yeah, I'll call you when she ditches me." I chuckled and got out the car.

Now, I'm not on this date because I like this woman, I'm only here to get intell. Information on how to get into hell easiest, specifically the Devildom. Shes a nice girl, and shes smart too. By now she must already know my plans.

"Hello, Mary-Catherine." I greet her with a smile, knowing the blood was still all over my torso and splashed on my face.

"I go by mc, you know this." She rolled her eyes and sat down at the expensive table I reserved for us for the hour we were going to talk "and I know you're not truly interested in me, y/n. You want information on how to get into the Devildom. Why exactly, I dont know."

I raised a brow at how smart she truly was in person "well then, let's just cut to the chase then, shall we? You were in the Devildom for an entire year with Solomon, and got close to the seven deadly sins, and even the prince himself. They... even gave you sheep antlers to help you blend in better with the demons a little better because you were too weak to defend yourself. The famous mc, known world wide in all three worlds, both hated and loved."

"Yes." She nodded and rolled her eyes at the sight if her antlers "and I'm sure you've caught word that they're having another exchange program? Me and Solomon are attending this year as well, have you applied?"

"They are?" I asked a bit too quickly "truely?"

"Yeah." She chuckled awkwardly, looking right past the demon blood on me "I can help you get in if you're so desperate. But you have to promise not to hurt the Seven sins and the prince."

"I cannot make any promises." I said calmly "I can only promise that if they dont get caught in the crossfire, they dont get hurt."

"Then I'll keep them out of the crossfire as best as I can." She smiled and handed me a small napkin "and wipe that off your face, its distracting."

"Alright." I took it and cleaned my face.

The hour passed by, and we ate and talked about nothing that really interested me. I got weird glances at the black stuff on my suit, but it never mattered to me.

Solomon picked me up, and waved goodbye to Mary-Catherine. Solomon loves her, I dont see why, but at least he knows I dont want a relationship with her. I could have asked Solomon about all of this, but I had to hear the words straight from mc herself to beleive it.

Solomon helped me apply, and we only had to wait now. They were only taking one new human, and now the results would come in if I get in on the tenth, which is four days from now. The first day of the academy is on the sixteenth.

If I dont get in, I'm going to have to force my way in if need be. And I am more than prepared to do so.

Nothing (Mammon x they/them reader)[discontinued]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora