soul 2659

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It's been a week, and I've figured out some small stuff, but nothing I really need to know when it comes down to the reason why I came here in the first place. Stuff like me and James have every class together except out last class: I have Paint Vandalism, he has Marshal Arts. Lucky bastard.

Even though I dont need to know Marshal Arts because, well I already know it, I think Paint Vadalism is a bit boring. But at least I get to go outside with that class.

But as for right now, I was stepping on the neck of a demon who called himself Azzun Gostrech. He doesnt go to the academy at all, he is actually the son of a very famous, very deadly, and very cunning gambling family. They gamble on things that shouldnt be gambled upon such as human souls, their own lives, their own children's and lovers lives, and even limbs. The human souls that they gamble with are straight from the human world, still alive too. And the human soul is the one thing that doesnt necessarily keep you from dieing if it is removed, that's what your organs and injuries do.

The human soul makes you care.

As you've guessed, my souls was gambled upon without my knowledge when it was taken. It doesnt mean it was from the Gostrech family, there are many gambling gangs, mafias and families that do that.

But poor Azzun just had to be the demon that is linked up with my soul being stolen.

"Wh- what the hell is wrong with you?!" He cried and choked desperately trying to get away from me.

I had my right foot stepping on his throat. And a gun in my hand pointing at his face.

I'm in my Paint Vandalism class right now, and we have a different uniform for that class so we dont get caught by the cops with flashy colors of the schools uniforms. It's all black, and we have pockets to hold 10 bottles on paint on our pants. The cloths are lightweight, but we have to wear a mask so we dont get our faces on cameras and dont breathe in the fumes of the paint. We also have cameras to take pictures of the finished pictures when we're done to bring back to the teacher. We have a tracker on our pants to make notify the teacher if we get arrested and he can pick us up, but get kicked out the class.

You cant get arrested in this class or you get kicked out of the class entirely forever.

I put my tracker 10 blocks away from here so no one will know I was the one at this crime scene.

"Soul 2659." I said plainly and let a bit of pressure off his throat "where is it?"

"The hell do you mean?!" He cried.

I bent down and grabbed his hair, then smashed his head in the cement ground "soul 2659, where is it?"

They all have a number. That's my souls number. James helped me get that information not even 10 years ago, and I've still have yet to see if I'm getting close to it.

"I-i dont know!" He groaned in pain "but I can take you to the S.U.F.S!"

"The what?" I bent down to listen better "did you say the right thing?"

"Yes, I did!" He whimpered "just please, l-let me go!"

I looked at the time and saw there was 45 more minutes of this class and saw there wasnt enough time to go see whatever that was he mentioned.

"What's the S.U.F.S?" I asked him.

"Storage Unit For Souls." He said quickly with sweat running down his forehead.

Something wasnt right. He was supposed to be the next head of the Gostrech family, the fourth morst powerful gambling family in all of hell. So why was he handing me information with barely a scratch on him?

Either it's a trap or he's a fucking pussy.

I removed my foot and picked him by the throat with my free hand and slammed him against a brick building. My patience is wearing thin.

"Directions to the S.U.F.S now." I growled in demand.

My patience was so thin by this point that it was like a thread trying to hold a thousand pounds of anger back.

I added "If it's a trap, I'll kill every single one of your family members, and leave you for last."

"O-okay, okay!" He whimpered with probably fear "from here, you go to 66th street, turn left and hit a right at Devils Tightrope. Keep going forwards untill you get to Route 69 (nice) and pull into the driveway of the storage unit and punch in the code 9794."

"What do you get out of this?!" I snapped at him "hm? What is it?! The fuck do you get out of this?!"

I was trembling with anger, about to completely loose my compusure. I could feel my magic and power overflowing and actually suffocate the demon in my grasp. I rolled my eyes and let him go, pointing my gun at him to keep him in place.

"Go to class, James." I said with irritation "you're in Marshal Arts, not Paint Vandalism."

"Aww, you're no fun~" he hummed while coming out from a corner of a building and walking towards me "hey bro."

I pointed the gun at the angel and as I felt him really try to see how much I could loose myself with his own magic. He stopped in his tracks, not expecting me to do that, then let out a sarcastic and dramatic sigh.

"What the fuck, bro?" He said like a whiny little kid "fine, I'll go to class."

He snapped his wings open and took off into the air, and flew back to the academy. Then, I pointed my gun back at Azzun, feeling my normal sences come back.

I said in more calm voice to the demon "what exactly do you get out of helping me?"

"I want you to get me out of the family." He said with his hands trembling "make me dissapear from here. We heard rumors about a human who shot their family and dissapeared but no ones ever seem them... it's you isnt it?"

"And if I am?" I put the barrel of my gun to his forehead "what then? You'll tell everyone I'm alive?"

"No." He shook his head "never."

"Hmm." I chuckled and backed up from the demon "sorry, I dont trust demons." And I shot him.

Blood splattered on the brick wall behind him, and a bit on my face. I cleaned it off my face and let my magic melt the gun in my hand like it was nothing.

I turned, ran off to where my tracker was, put it back on my pants and took my pictures for my grade and ran back to the academy undetected before the cops could even put their sirens on to head to the crime scene.

I got A+ on my assignment at the end of the day, then I got changed back into my normal school uniform and got back to the house of Lamentation with Mary-Catherine and the 7 demon brothers.

"Y/n." Mammon walked beside me and whispered with a smirk "wanna sneak out tonight and see what we can get into?"

I didnt know exactly what he was up to, but I smirked back and said "who would be foolish enough to say no?"

Nothing (Mammon x they/them reader)[discontinued]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora