retreiving soul 2659

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The next day, I woke up, but still had to go to school with the demon brothers like normal, even though I was still a bit tired, but I was feeling much better than right after I was done with the spell yesterday. Mammon didn't talk to me much though. It was like Mammon was almost avoiding me, and that he had a lot on his mind. He wouldn't tell me what he was thinking about, so I just forced myself to focus on my academic work and not on the demon.

When lunch came around, I avoided James as best as I could.  It didn't really do much good though when after lunch was done and he pinned me against a wall with a crowd watching us. Souless or not, thats embarrassing.

"What the hell do you think your'e doing?" I said while trying my best not to look at anyone in the crowd that stopped everything they were doing to watch me, the souless human, and James,  the  angel that everyone really thinks is a demon.

"Me?" James glared a me "why do you keep avoiding me every time I try to talk to you?"

A familiar voice said in a threatening tone behind James "leave them alone, James. They obviously don't want to talk to you."

"Lucifer," James turned around, giving me enough space to slip away from James and let Beelzebub protect me from whatever else James could be planning.

All seven brothers were giving James a death stare. Mary-Catherine, Solomon, Luke and Simeon were off to the side doing the same thing. James knew if he didn't back down and walk away, he would most likely ceise to exist very shortly. So, he did the best thing he could do for himself- for once- and walked away.

The crowd of strangers slowly started to go to all their own classes. Asmo hugged me tightly and said something about needing to stay away from James because he isn't even that good looking, and that should have been the first red flag from the very begining. Mammon walked away to his next class quite quickly, and Beelzebub gave me a quick hug and told me to stay safe while carrying his sleeping twin on this shoulder.

I got to my own class after all that, and blew off the entire James situation, then the rest of my day went on as planned. Then when school ended, me and Solomon headed to the S.U.F.S. with Simeon and Luke tagging along in case I needed their help.

"I'm going in there with you." Solomon stated "you'll need extra help, you cant go in alone."

I nodded in agreement, as I could already feel a small panic attack coming on, as all four of us were standing where I was when I called Mammon for help. I guess they haven't moved my soul then.

Me and Solomon walked up to the entrance, and left Simeon and Luke to just stay put until we needed help. We walked up to the place where you put a pin in to open the gate in drive inside. There was a demon in the booth next to it,  and looked up from his newspaper.

"Can I help you?" He groaned.

"Hi!" I put on a fake smile and walked up to him "yes, I need you to fuck off and drink your mother's piss, please."

He squinted and glared at me "excuse me?"

A surge of anger made my blood boil at the sight of the demon. My body moved on it's own, because the next thing I knew was that the demon was being ripped from the booth, and his face was being smashed into the ground over and over again. His nose broke, and was bleeding rapidly. The demon was knocked out on the cement ground before I smashed his head in a few more times, and me and Solomon just stepped under the poorly made gate to keep cars out.

"This way." I led Solomon away from security guards.

My hands and knees shook more with every step we took closer to my soul. A could feel hatred, terror, disgust.. all coming back to me at once, and was all being pointed to a demon of who's face I cant recognize in my mind. The face seemed more evil than any other demon I've ever seen in all my time, like I've demonized a demon, only I don't remember ever seeing this demon ever. Only flashes of the demons face came into my mind the closer I got to my soul.

"You alright?" Solomon whispered loud enough for me to hear.

"No." I shook my head and kept walking "fucking obviously, Solomon, use your fucking head ya fucking hopeless romantic."

The silence fell over us as I heard those words spill out of my mouth to my best friend.

I spun around to face his shocked face and trembled "I'm so sorry, I didnt mean that you know I didn't... I'm so so sorry, I dont know why I said that."

"Its alright." He blinked and sighed "it's.. only the effect of you being so close to your tortured soul after so long, I know you didnt mean it. Now," he spun me back around "lead the way."

I nodded and continued to walk, and did a few small, quick spells to break the motion detectors and camera nearby.

"Theres a few security guards following us." Solomon said "you keep going, don't stop and I'll take care of it. Trust me."

"I trust you." I said "I've always trusted you."

"Good," I could hear his smirk in his words "now run as fast as you can!"

I did as I was told and picked up my feet and ran. There were a few guards ahead of me, but they were pretty stupid and easy to knock out.

My heart pounded the closer and closer I got to my soul after so long. I didn't know exactly where it was, but it felt like a magnet was physically pulling me closer and closer towards it, but was also emotionally repelling me by giving me a panic attack.

I ended up the garage number 2600, and it was locked. Out of nowhere, my ears began to wring and my nose started to drip blood.


A voice filled with irritaton shouted. It sounded like it was coming from all around me, at every direrction all at once. Maybe it was in my head?

"I'M BIDDING ON A HUMAN RANDOM SOUL! That should pay back my debt, right?!"

I was listening to a memory, but it wasnt my own. It was a very old, yet very familiar. No, it wasn't familiar actually, the voice was familiar, not the memory.

I collapsed in front of the locked garage door with my head pounding and nose bleeding more. My sight started to turn dark red with my eyes stinging. I was crying blood.

"Ya can do whatever ya want to the soul, I don't give a shit. Explode it, spoil it, use it as leverage- I don't care. I'm just tryin' to pay ya back before ya hurt my brothers."

"SOLOMON!" I cried out as loud as I could. I could barely hear the sound of my own screaming voice due to the sound of my own heart beat pounding in my ears and that voice echoing in my skull.

"Are you sure?" Another way too familiar voice chimed in "The meat suit it's supposed to be in could come back for us, you know."

I curled into a ball on the ground and screamed in agony, unable to stop the unbearable pain in my skull.

"Y/N!" the voice I had just heard called out for me, though I didnt know if it was in my head again or actually here with me because I had my eyes closed, crying tears and blood now.

I ended up passing out from the pain, but when I woke up I could see I was in James's arms, and about 100 yards ahead of us was Simeon and Luke carrying, what I assume was my soul. My vision was blurred, and I passed out again in James's arms.

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