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It's the tenth now. The results should be in any moment as of this moment. I should get an email saying weather or not I got in or not.

If I didn't get in, I should have enough demon blood by now to get in and start going crazy there, but that's too much trouble. So I'm hoping I got in. I honestly dont want to just hide and try to be undetected there because it's too much hassle.

"Ok." I opened my laptop and went to my email "let's see if I got in."

Solomon looked over my shoulder while eating his slice of cake that looked more like a peice of literal shit than cake.

I saw the email, and clocked on it. I was the only person who was accepted into the academy with Solomon and Mary-Catherine. My screen was green and it had a letter congratulating me.

You, y/n l/n, are the only human accepted into the R.A.D.! I am the future ruler of Devildom, Lord Diavolo, typing this with every word to let you know how excited I am to meet you! And so are the Seven Deadly Sins themselves.

You will be living with the seven brothers in the House of Lamentation, and with Mary-Catherine. You also have the option to move out whenever youd like and go into Purgatory Hall with Simeon, Luke and Solomon. You will only be allowed to move out of the house, and not to move back in if you choose to move out. You can visit whenever you want, but be sure to let one of the brothers know first.

My loyal and well trusted butler, Barbatos, will pick you up in two days time, at 11 A.M. We are all very excited to meet you. Have a good day!

"YES!" I jumped up and laughed with glee "I got in! I dont have to go undercover!"

"That's very good." Solomon chuckled and ate his supposed to be cake "and how you get to find the demon who took your will to care. Very nice."

"Yeah." I smiled and leaned back into my chair "so what now?"

"You can pack?" He suggested and finished the rest of his cake "or are you getting bored again?"

"Might be getting bored again." I smirked.

One major thing I might have forgotten to mention when I was introducing myself: me and Solomon arent only friends, we're fuck buddies.

We fuck when we get bored and there litorally isnt anything we want to do, or mostly when he's thinking if Mary-Catherine and he gets a huge boner that wont go down. So I help him out with that. And the best thing is, is that neither of us have feelings for eachother to want to be in a relationship.

Just because I dont care about a lot of things doesn't mean I cant be nice.

He put his plate down, and went in for a kiss, but I stopped him "go wash your mouth first, the taste of your cake is a major turn off."

"Fair." He smiled back, then walked off to the bathroom.

~time skip~

"Fuck," I breathed heavily and layed down beside the white haired wizard "your performance has gotten better." I chuckled.

"Thank you." He smiled and chuckled back "you as well."

"What do you mean? I've always been better than you, thats why you finish so quickly."

"I lasted longer this time!"

"Only because I let you." I scoffed "anyways, let's start packing tomarrow."

"Alright, sounds good." Solomon nodded and sat up slowly "want some cake?"

"God no."

Nothing (Mammon x they/them reader)[discontinued]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora