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Days passed by. I didnt go to school, the only people who I talked to was Solomon, Luke, Simeon and Mary-Catherine. I didnt leave my room except to use the bathroom, and M.C. brought me food and water- not that I really ate much anymore.

"Y/n." Asmo knocked softly on my door "can I come in?"

I didn't answer. I just laid on my bed in silence, in the dark.

My door slowly opened with a creaking sound, and Asmo walked in with Levi, and closed the door behind themselves.

The more feminine demon sat next to me on the edge of my bed "hey, we're worried about you."

Levi pulled a gameboy out his hoodie pocket "you... wanna play? It could make you feel better."

"No." I mumbled.

Asmo ran his gentle and delicate hands through my hair. He checked on me the most and reported everything to Mammon outside my door.

"We miss you at school." He said softly "Mammon feels guilty and sorry."

"Good." I turned around to face away from the demons.

Asmo sighed "y/n between us three here, I think he likes you a lot. Like... hes in love with you."

"He was in love with a soulless meat suit." I said "he doesnt know me anymore... and I dont know him anymore either."

"Please talk to him, he needs to know you're alright." Levi begged.

"I'm not alright." I responded "I am very much not alright."

Levi sighed in defeat and said "alright, well I'm gonna.. go game some more. You're welcome in my room anytime."

He walked out, the close the door behind him quickly. Asmo gave me a awkward hug, then walked out as well. I heard him mumbling to Mammon on the other side of the door.

It went silent, than I heard Asmo say "dont you go in there."

My door opened quickly and I heard Mammons foot steps walk up to my bed quickly. He got on my bed, turned me to face the ceiling and sat on my waist.

"Get out." I said plainly.

"I-I ain't leavin." He said while choking back tears "not t-till you really see that I n-never meant for this to happen to you."

"It doesnt matter." I closed my eyes "what's done is done."

"Please look at me!" He grabbed my shoulders and made me sit up "I'm sorry!"

I slowly opened my eyes and saw his dark blue eyes had tears spilling out of them and down his cheeks. I felt how sorry he was, and started crying with him. I felt his guilt, how he was so desperate to protect his family back then. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me as we both cried huge crocodile tears.

"I know you're sorry!" I said between sobs "but it doesnt make what you did right!"

We cried for hours there in my bed together, then passed out together. I assume Asmo or Solomon out the covers on both of us.

When I woke up, I wasnt alone. I felt a nice, warm chest under me. And some comforting arms around me, keeping me pulled close. I was so tempted to see who it was that I was cuddling, but it was jus grrr so comfortable that I just nestled into the chest and let them hold me.

"Look." I heard someone whisper "they're so cute."

I quickly sat up and looked around my room to see M.C and Asmo in my room taking pictures of me and Mammon in my bed. The two quickly ran out and closed the door behind them before I could do anything.

Laying back down, I faced away from Mammon now. Mammon turned around in his sleep and started to spoon me. I felt my face heat up. I assume he woke up when he realized where he was and quickly sat up.

"Yo.." he said, making me look at him "uh.... I never meant to sleep in here. S-sorry."

Nothing (Mammon x they/them reader)[discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now