My Adulthood

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I want to be in a better place
But I am stuck here
Laying here
I want to be a better person
But I look for a purpose
And everything seems pointless
Everyone wants me to be better
Adding bricks upon bricks to my shoulders
Now and then I remove the weight
But then five more take the place of one
I want to catch up
But I'm so behind
To rush means to fail
To fail means to be miserable
I want to be happy
I want to make good decisions
I want to be
The adult everyone wants me to be
Too focused on the who I need to be
I don't get to focus on who I am now
I just want to be in the present
But the future is a heavy burden
I haven't even arrived
Yet I'm already pinned
I didn't have a job
But I graduated school
And then I had no rent
But I entered college
And I got a job
But I had no car
But I was getting perfect attendance
And honors
I was doing so well
But there was always a lack
I graduated college
And so I had no job
I got one
But it didn't work out
And I had no car
I got a car
And then I had no license
I got my permit
But didn't get much practice
I got my license
Lacking all that practice
But I didn't have a job
I feel like I don't have a lot of things
But I have a lot of bricks on my shoulders
I want to progress but I'm so heavy
I never have time to celebrate what I get
If this is living then I hate being alive
But I don't want to not exist
I don't like this progression
Why cant my pace be slow
And still be successful at the same time
I try so hard to do this right
To be who I need to be
But I never feel enough
I want to be enough
But my enough is not their enough
And I want to be recognized
Everyday is a drag
A rush to get a job or a house
A rush to be an adult
At the end of the day
When despite my efforts
I accomplished nothing
I feel useless
Why cant I just do this right
Maybe if I didn't have these bricks
This wouldn't be so hard
This wouldn't feel so hard
Maybe if I had more support
It's be easier to hold these bricks
But I feel alone
The pressure is stronger
Than my current supports
I feel like
If I get too much extra complaints
I will collapse
We don't focus on success
We focus on the failed
The unobtained
I feel hesitant
I don't feel eager
I feel afraid
Of what the next expectation will be
I think at this point it's impossible
To just be the me
That paces in the way I'm meant to

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