8 - Annoying

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Mija's P.O.V.

These past few weeks have been a little rough. I've been so caught up with my report in psychology with Yuta that I preferred to do alone, but it turns out that he's got the brains for school.

I've also been composing the piece that Yoongi and I have been working on and I finally came up with something! When I showed Yoongi what I came up with all he did was give me a thumbs up! I got really excited when he did that because that was probably the nicest thing he's ever done to me.

And lastly I've been trying to get closer to Yoongi which seemed to be the challenge of everything that I was doing. I think we're making progress.

Mini series of flashbacks
"Hey Yoong-"

"Leave me alone."

After putting my instrument away and packing up my stuff I thought that it would be a good idea if Yoongi and I went out for a coffee.

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go grab a quick coffee right now since we've been working hard."

No response.

I suddenly turned around to discover that he was already gone.

Today was an individual practice day so that meant that everyone was taking a break from the project. Yoongi and I were walking side by side heading towards our practice rooms. As soon as he reached his room and started to go in, I stopped him.

"You know if you need help with your solo I'll be glad to give you a hand since I play pia-"

He slams the door in my face.

I was heading towards the library to find a good book to read. Once I entered, I made my way to the anime section.

As I was picking out different books off the shelf as I picked one out of its place, from the empty slot I could see Yoongi sitting at a table studying.

I quickly put the book back and made my way towards him. Without making a sound, I looked over his shoulder and noticed that he was working on math. I could tell that he was struggling with it.

"The answer is 25." He suddenly jumped a bit from his seat as he didn't expect me.

"Get the hell away from me!"

End of flashbacks

Currently I was standing outside Yoongi's practice room debating if I should interrupt him or not. If I do then he'll get annoyed and if I don't then I'll be thinking all day about how I should've Interrupted him.

So without giving it another thought, I knocked on his door. I mean what's the worst he can do? Slam the door in my face again?

I don't think that he heard my knock the first time since he was still playing so I knocked even louder the second time. Not even halfway through the second knock I saw the door swing open and a very annoyed Min Yoongi.

"What do you possibly want now?!"

"I was wondering if you can help me with my solo since I'm having trouble with it."

And smile.

He just gave me a blank expression.

"You're so annoying." He then slams the door in my face...

At least he let me finish my sentence and waited 3 seconds before he slammed the door in my face.

I quickly went back to my practice room and after closing the door, I jumped up and down.



It's been a little over 2 hours since we've been coming up with ideas for our composition. Luckily, today I had a really good idea of what I wanted to play, so I spent the whole time playing and putting pieces together.

Yoongi, as usual, was in his own little world, focused on writing. Ever since we stepped foot in this practice room today, we haven't spoken a word to each other.

As I finished writing down some notes on my piece of paper, I picked up my flute and was about to play when I got a sharp pain in my wrist. I softly wimp in pain as it really hurt.

Reaching for my bag, I grab the sports tape that I keep inside. I carefully put down my flute and start to tape my wrist.

I could only play my flute for about two hours until I needed to tape up my wrist from the pain that I would get.

It was moments like this that made me feel certain kinds of emotions. Sadness, guilt, but overall anger. It would just remind me of the accident that caused me to break my wrist and cause permanent damage.

For this reason alone, I had to give up playing piano for good, something that really tore my heart apart. I could never forget that night that something really important to me was ripped away from me and I could never forgive him for that.

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