Chapter Two

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We stayed up that night, trying to formulate some sort of plan. My eyes were drooping, but I willed myself to stay awake to hear their ideas. But they still hadn't changed that much. Feliks and Francis only tweaked the edges of their plan, while Arthur was throwing their idea in the trash. I yawned, and glanced at the clock. It was currently midnight. Oh, couldn't they hurry up? We would want to have plenty of energy tomorrow, right?

"You're all impossible." Arthur groaned. "That idea of yours doesn't work. Unless you want to make it up as you go, we can do that."

Francis and Feliks looked delighted. "What a brilliant scheme! I didn't know you were capable of such thoughts!"


Arthur had some sort of murderous look on his face.

"Guys, guys, we need to be quiet." I interrupted. 

They kind of calmed down. 

"Plus, I'm really tired. Don't we need our energy tomorrow?" 

Francis shrugged. "I mean, I guess so. But it's still early."

I just stared at him. Who in their right mind would think that midnight was early?!

Arthur nudged Francis. "For you, sure. But some of us enjoy sleep. 6 o'clock tomorrow, we're leaving."

5:30, we were all awake. My internal clock was way too nervous, Arthur's internal clock was working perfectly fine, and Feliks and Francis were arguing all night. 

But I didn't have time to worry about that. 

We were going to find Kumajirou. 

Arthur cleared his throat. "Francis, do you even know how to drive?"

"What type of question is that?!" he whisper-shouted.

"I want to make sure you follow the road directions. We can't all just go to jail on the first day."

"I follow the road directions. I am very strict when it comes to driving. Unlike some others."

"... If you crash the car..."



I was feeling very jumpy. It wasn't great. We were technically breaking the rules, and I didn't like it. I've never broken a single rule in my whole life. First time for everything, I guess.

We all grabbed the necessities, like money. In today's society, money was everything. Nothing was free. You had to pay. Feliks pried open the door. Before he walked through, however, he turned back to look at us.

"You know, we're going to need to tell someone about our disappearance. We can't just vanish and have everyone worry. Let's all tell one close friend and tell them to figure out what to do with the information."

Feliks was right. He rarely was, but this was a rare time.

"I'll tell Toris." he announced, before Francis pulled him back.

"Wait, you mean right now? You should've come up with this idea last night. We can't wake up their whole dorm at 5:30!"

Feliks shrugged. "We can't change the past, so..."

He ran down the corridor, looking for Toris's dorm.

"I guess we can't stop him." Arthur groaned. "I'll go tell Wáng." 

I looked over at Francis. "What about you?"

"I think Antonio is my best bet."

And he walked away too.

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