Chapter Twelve

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"This is impossible." Francis growled. "WHY don't we have a universal currency? I have to keep converting everything to euros so I can understand it and urgh... why is everything so expensive?"

"Same." Feliks nodded. 

"I hope you realise that it's obviously not going to be cheap..." Arthur muttered, sipping his tea.

I sighed, placing my head on the table. "I keep forgetting to check the location of the company... every time I think I've found something, it turns out to be in Spain or somewhere."

Arthur took a slow breath. "I want to defenestrate someone..." 

"You want to what?" I blinked. 


"No, no. What does the word mean?" Francis questioned, making me feel glad I wasn't the only one who didn't know what it meant.

"It means to throw someone out of the window." he stated calmly, blowing his tea.

"WHY would you want to throw someone out of the window? You're not even researching, you're just sitting there staring at us!" Feliks protested.

Arthur glowered at him. "Sorry, it's not my fault there's only three devices in this household. But someone has to look after those three."

He pointed to Hutt and the teenagers.

"But you're looking over our shoulders, though. You're not watching them." I mumbled.

"I'm multitasking, thank you very much." 

"Do we need to make our brother more tea?" smirked Ciarán happily.

Francis rubbed his eyes hard. He muttered something inaudible and stood up. "I'm going to get something from the car." He left, and a couple minutes later he returned but with an accessory on his face.

Arthur spat his tea all over the place. "Francis, when in the WORLD did you wear glasses?!" 

"Since college." He sat back down at the computer. 

Arthur and I gaped at him.

"Since COLLEGE? And you never TOLD us?" I confirmed, shocked.

"I mean, I told someone." he shrugged.

"That was me!" Feliks laughed. "We're share the same sector of our dorm, Francis wears his glasses when he does his homework." 

Francis grimaced. "I get headaches otherwise." 

"So it's not like an eyesight issue?" I asked, pushing up my glasses on instinct.

"Yeah, I'm farsighted, and if I remember correctly, I also have presbyopia." 

"Press-bye-who what know?" I repeated.

Arthur leaned across and typed in 'presbyopia' into the computer I was using. We skim read the information that was on the page.

"Huh. Well, that must suck." Arthur said, somewhat sympathetically. "Do you want a break from researching?"

"Can you swap with me?" Feliks asked hopefully.


"Darn. Hutt, get your lazy butt here and swap with me!"

Hutt got off the floor and took Feliks's place, while Francis stood up and flopped down on the couch, Arthur sitting in his place.

After about ten more minutes, Arthur let out an exclamation. "Found one! It's nearby and it's only £55 per day!!"

"What's that in, uh... złoty?" Feliks questioned, walking behind him.

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