Chapter Nine

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We waved goodbye to Wáng later the same day when Kiku decided to leave. We filled him in on our journey and he said he could show us the directions to Macau's place.

Hutt, Wy and Peter went into Hutt's car, and the four of us went into Francis's car. Kiku went in his own car and told us to follow him.

"Finally! I haven't sat in a proper seat in like, what's it been? Four days?" Arthur groaned happily.

"Well, congratulations. Hopefully after this we can go back to uni and explain to the entire staff about why we were absent." Francis said, sarcasm dripping in his voice.

"Oh, shut up."

I looked out of the window, zoning out before the two could get in another typical argument.

Half an hour later, Kiku parked his car. We stepped out and walked up the driveway.

"This is here I live. Macau isn't here, but I can send you directions to his place if you want." he stared at us.

"Yes, that will be very helpful." Feliks replied.

"Sorry I can not join you. I have to go to work at 1 o'clock." He bowed in apology.

"There's nothing wrong with that!" I protested. "Your work is more important than this anyway!"

He frowned. "If you're sure..." He got out a piece of paper from his pocket and scribbled down an address. "This is where Macau and his oldest brother live."

He handed the paper to me and I pocketed it. "Thank you for your help."

He bowed again. We waved as he entered his house.

"Give me the paper, Matthew! Let me put it in Google Maps!" Feliks lunged for the paper. I passed him the paper as he hurriedly typed the address into his phone. 

"Got it! Let's go back in the car, it'll take us... another half hour to get there... WHY will it take us half an hour? Why do his friends live so far apart?!" Feliks shrieked.

"It can't be helped." Wy rolled her eyes. "Can we get a move on already? My goodness, men these days..."


Peter and Hutt shoved Wy into the car. 

"Stop picking fights!" Peter scolded.

"I'm not 'picking fights'. I'm just stating facts, that's different."

The four of us went inside Francis's car, as he started up the engine.

"Just a question, do any of know why Peter and Wy aren't in school?" I asked.

"I don't know, maybe they're skipping? Ask them." Arthur shrugged beside me.

I pouted. "Can you ask them?"

"Why are you asking me to ask them?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Because I don't want to."

"Instead of asking them, can we think up of stupid reasons that will obviously not be true." Feliks suggested.

"And why would we do that?"

"Because it's fun and we have nothing better to do?" 

"Whatever, what weird theory are you thinking of?"

"It could be a dare from one of their classmates to skip school." Feliks laughed. "It sounds like something I would've told Toris to do."

"Of course, it is. I personally think that they are following in our footsteps." Francis interrupted.

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