Chapter Seven

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"Lovino!" Australia laughed. "Fancy seeing you here!"

"Yeah, because I'm meant to be here. Why are you here?"

"I need to get something from Dorm #17. Am I allowed to?"

"And why do you need something from the dorm? You're the most unprepared person I know, and you tend to make things around you work. So, I'm doubting you right now." He narrowed his eyes.

"True, but you see..." he leaned in and whispered something in his ear.

Lovino scoffed. "You expect me to believe that crap?"

"It's true."

"You're delusional."

There were some stomps as someone else showed up. "Lovino, who ya talking to?!"

I slapped my forehead. It was Alfred.

"Australia. He's not meant to be up here..." Lovino sighed.

"Is he bored of his section? OH! D'wanna swap?!" 

Australia clapped his hands. "Yes, totally!"

"No, you can't just swap, that's totally irresponsible!"

"Oh, fine. Well, then let me get something from Dorm #17, then."


"Sure! Just go in, ignore Lovino, he's a little..." Alfred did the 'cuckoo' sign with his hand.

"I am not!!"

Australia laughed, but when neither of them were looking, he shot us a scared look. He mouthed; 'what are you looking for? I need to get it!'

Wy translated in quietly. 

I quickly pointed to the wall, where there were photos everywhere. "Tell him it's under my mattress."

Wy mouthed it back, and Australia let out a smile.

"Okay, I'll be gone then." he slammed the door open, walked in and shut it again.

Wy stuck her fingers in her ears. "Why are those two arguing? They're worse than Arthur!" she muttered.

"It's my brother's fault, he started this one. Usually they don't fight." I whispered, noting their shouting was loud enough for us to have a small conversation.

"Thank goodness we're leaving after this." she sighed.

Australia opened the door. "I found Flying Mint Bunny!"

"YOU- WHAT-" Alfred sounded shock. "He isn't even real!"

"That's what they all say! But he is! He's right there!" He pointed to his shoulder. "Anyway, you can continue your patrolling. See ya later, buds!"

Lovino and Alfred walked away, bickering quietly.

Australia bent down under the desk and pulled out a small photo album. "I hope this is what you wanted." he smiled, handing it to me.

"Yes, thank you!" I replied, breathlessly. "Wy, Peter, follow me." 

I was certain the two were wandering down the other side of the hallway. It was time to leave.

"Wait, where are you going?" 

We all entered my dorm and yanked open the window. Peter got out a torch and flashed it.

Three other torches flashed back. 

Australia whistled. "Impressive. I don't even know what's going on, but still..."

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