Chapter Three

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Arthur looked at Peter in disgust.

"Are you stealing things now? I'm ashamed."

"I- I'm not stealing things for the sake of stealing things, I promise-"

Arthur clicked his tongue and started to walk away.

"Hey, how do you know him?"

"He was my friend once." he replied bitterly.

I pointed to the card. "May I asked why you took it?"

"I'm trying to help Wy."

"You're trying to help, why?"

"Wy's the name of my friend." Peter looked downcast. "I'm sorry, she wouldn't want me to tell you the reason." He extended his arm out. "You can have it back."

I could tell by the tone of his voice that he didn't want to part with it. Which was weird as it wasn't his to start with. I sighed.

"Do you need money?" I asked.

He looked up, confusion written on his brows. "I guess..."

"I don't have any on me right now... my friends need the card to fill up the car with petrol."

He tilted his head. "Wait a minute, aren't you in university? Why are you here?"

"Um... I guess you could say we're on a trip..."

His face turned from confused to excited. "Can we join?!"

"Who's 'we'?"

"Wy will kill me, but..." He leaned in towards my ear. "You see, Wy has always wanted to go on a long trip. I was trying to get money for a trip before the inevitable happens."

"The inevitable?"

"Can't say, she'll kill me." Peter grabbed my jacket. "Please can we come, oh please, oh please, oh please?!"

I thought quickly. I would say yes... same with Feliks... it's more Arthur I'm worried about.

"I'll ask the others." 

Peter followed me back to the car, where Arthur scowled.

"Why did you have to bring him?"

"That's mean!" Peter stuck out his tongue at him. 

At this rate, Arthur was going to pick a fight with the lad. Was that seriously going to happen? I cleared my throat to capture the other two's attention.

"Peter here wants to join us."

Feliks and Francis were shocked. I quickly told them what he told me and they nodded.

"I guess it couldn't hurt..." Francis agreed.

"I don't care." Feliks nodded.

I turned around. "Peter, majority vote wi- ARTHUR, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

Arthur had found some random broom and was chasing Peter around the station.

"Arthur, darling. Stop harassing the poor kid." Francis called out. "Him and his friend are going to join us on his trip."


Arthur's face was slowly turning red. I glanced at Feliks, who shrugged in return. We both looked back at Francis, hoping he knew what to say.

"Suck it up, darling. We need to find Kutabaru, not listen to you pick fights."


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