Chapter Ten

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"Allistor Kirkland?!"

Arthur looked very shocked at the piece of information we told them.

Feliks stared at him. "Do... you two know each other or something?"

He snorted. "We're related. He's my eldest brother."

"Good. Then you can introduce him to us!" Hutt clapped his hands.

"No, we're not that close." Arthur shook his head. "He's been a git ever since mo-" he cut himself off quickly.

I blinked. "In any case, we're going to have to go to his house and ask for Kumajirou."

Arthur grumbled something under his breath, but I didn't catch it. 

We all went in the car and drove to the address Seychelles gave us. Five minutes later, we arrived.

"So... Matthew and Arthur'll go...?" Francis questioned, looking at the grumpy Arthur in the backseat.

"Yeah." I dragged an unwilling Arthur out of the car and towards the house.

I knocked on the front door, waiting for a sign of recognition. After about two seconds of waiting, Arthur spoke. "Oh well, he's not home, let's lea-" 

I grabbed his arm, preventing him from walking any further. "Why are you acting like this?" 

The door opened suddenly and a redheaded stepped out. 

"Who are yo... Oh. You haven't shown up for years, Arthur." His lip curled upwards. 

"Stop flattering yourself, Allistor. I'm not here for you and you know it." he snapped back.

"If that's the case, then why are you here?" 

I cleared my throat, looking at him. "U- Um, we found out you have a polar bear doll in your possession?" I stuttered horribly, feeling my cheeks flush.

He raised an eyebrow. "I could give you information... if Arthur acts like a decent human being around us."

"'Us'?" Arthur cried out, exasperated.

"Yes, you see our brothers are staying at my place for the next two weeks as a holiday." Allistor smirked.

"Whatever, I'm leaving." Arthur stomped back the way we came.

"Hey, wait! Sorry, Allistor!" I apologised and chased him.

I caught up to Arthur. "WHY are you acting like this? This isn't like yo-"

He held up his hand for silence. "Sorry, Matthew... it isn't because I don't want to, but it's hard..." I think he noticed my confused expression because he stared at me dead in the eyes and said; "I promise I'll tell you. Just not right now."

We returned to the car and the others looked at us. 

"So... what new information do we ha-" 

"Can we have a break from this?" Arthur interrupted. "I'm sure that Peter is restless again and would want to move around."

Francis and Feliks exchanged glances. "Okay, sure... but assuming that you don't have Kumajirou... we still have to chase after it, right...?"

I shrugged. "Who knows? We're just having a break. Afterwards, we'll come back here and try again."

"'Try again'?" Feliks said sceptically.

"Never you mind." I laughed. "Anyway, how's Peter doing?" I asked, changing the topic for Arthur's sake.

Francis pursed his lips. "I have no idea, let's go ask."

Us four walked over to Hutt's car and asked Peter on his opinion on going to the park again.

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