7 Years Later...

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I was sitting on my couch on Saturday, looking out of the window and gazing at the morning sky. It had been a few years since Feliks, Francis, Arthur and I had graduated and we hadn't seen each other since. We kept in touch, of course, but we had all gone our separate ways.

It was a nice quiet morning, and I had it all for myself-


I groaned. I rolled off my couch and shouted; "Alfred, what have I told you about barging in my house?!"

"Bro, chill! It doesn't matter, we're siblings!" he laughed, holding a newspaper under his arm.

I narrowed my eyes. "I didn't know you read the paper..." I said slowly.

"Not normally, nope! But at work yesterday, Kiku told me to get this week's paper, so I thought, 'ah whatever, sure'. But look at this!!" He shoved the paper in my face.

"I can't see anything if you do that." I growled. I yanked the newspaper off him and held it from a reasonable view. I skim read the front headline.

"There's nothing exciting here... it's just a headline about a robber." I rolled my eyes. "That's all you wanted to show me?"

"Nooo, Mattie!" He snatched it back from me and opened it to a specific page. "Read this!"

He passed it back and I choked. "E- Eeeh?!"

Alfred nodded. "Yes, I know right?! 'A New -- And Famous -- Band By The Name Kumajirou' Has Formed! The members involve Arthur Kirkland, Peter Kirkland and Francis Bonnefoy, who perform the pop songs written by Andrew Kirkland-'"

"Who?" I asked, confused.

"Your old dorm mates?" he replied.

"No, not them, who's Andrew?" 

He flipped the paper around and pointed to a picture.

"That's Hutt!" I gasped.

"Oh, you think he's hot? I can see why, do you like him?"

"What? No, I said that's Hutt, not that's ho-" I realised that the two words sounded similar. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, keep going."

"Okay. '-written by Andrew Kirkland. An exclusive interview is on the next page about how they came to be.'

He smiled at me. "Bro, we should totally go visit them!!"

I gaped at him in shock. "That sounds absolutely stupid."

"Na-UH! You're gonna go visit them, and that's final!"

I opened my mouth but froze. "Wait... us or me?"

"You, idiot! They're your best friends, aren't they?!"

"Pfft, no they're-" I remembered the journey we went through to find Kuma. "Okay, maybe we are."

"Look, they're your friends! So, go visit them! I'm not as close to them as you are, my best friends are just as rowdy as I am!" Alfred screeched. 

"Who are these friends?" I mumbled.

"Mathias, Gilbert and Jett!"


"YOU KNOW, Mathias, Gilbert and-"

"I know who those two are. Mathias loved starting food wars at Lukas's place, Gilbert duck-taped himself to ceiling... do I know Jett?"

"Yes, you do!! Remember Kaelin?! His cousin?! That's Jett!"

"Wait, I thought his cousin was Austra-" It occurred to me that I never knew Oz's real name. "Al, Jett and Oz are the same person, aren't they?"

"Who's Oz- oh wait, yes he is." He scratched the back of neck. "I forgot he introduced himself like that." He continued flipping the pages of the newspaper and stopped. "Oh, look! This is the pretty actress I was telling you about, here! It says-" he shut up, stared at me in shock. "Why didn't tell me you knew her?!"

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