Chapter Seven: Getting to Know You

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[A/N: Oh boy, I'm trying to get out a few more chapters for ya. I hope this makes sense so far? Also, let me know if you'd prefer shorter chapters (that may come out quicker) or longer chapters?]

The next few days went by in a blur, mindlessly doing the same thing:
Tending to the garden, feeding the animals, cooking breakfast before Tommy wakes up, chat a little, build some more additions to the house, make a little lunch, look over Tommy's injuries- if he lets Grian do so- and treat them if they start to get red, take a break, and then cook dinner and try to start a conversation with Tommy before he heads off to bed.

Grian watered the garden with a hose, the morning dew stuck to the grass while the parrots squawked overhead. It was a fine day, it was almost lunch too because he woke up late.

He always wondered what bird his wings related to, he never could quite put a finger on it though. Tommy's "are you a chicken" accusation was probably closer to reality than he would of liked.

Loud noise came from the house, like plate smashing. He turned off the water with a sigh and started up the steps towards the door- and most likely unavoidable doom.

The door opened with a creak causing Tommy to jump, Grian peered into the kitchen to see the gremlin with a frying pan on the stove - which was turned on - and a few smashed plates on the floor.

As he stepped into the room Tommy instantly dropped into autopilot, muttering apologies.

"I-I'm sorry. It wa-was an accident."

"It's fine, just take a step back so I can clean it up."

"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry."

At that point he was starting to retreat towards himself and curled up into a ball on the floor, not making eye contact.

Grian was conflicted, getting closer to him could scare him, but leaving him alone to deal with a beginning of a panic attack wouldn't be helpful at all. He started to approach Tommy, the kid flinched a little and he stopped.

He settled on grabbing the dustpan and broom and start sweeping up the pieces of the broken plate. Grian opened the closet and rummaged around for a minute before taking out the two items.

Tommy watched him carefully, eyeing the dustpan and broom in Grian's hands. He wasn't tightly wrapped around himself anymore but still a little tense.

"I'm not upset." Grian spoke up, shattering the uncomfortable silence.

Tommy blinked at him, he looked a bit puzzled at that. "You-you're not?" He swallowed.

"Nope." The Avian shook his head, "What were you doing grabbing a plate by the way?"

The boy in front of him shook himself out of his thoughts, "I- uhm, I wanted to make lunch since you usually cook for me..." Tommy trailed off, clearly still processing the fact that Grian wasn't upset about the plate.

There was a beat or two of silence, "Oh." He replied, "You don't think that you owe me for being kind..." Grian said slowly.

Tommy's expression twisted into something unreadable, he glanced at the plate before looking back up at Grian.

He didn't know how to feel about the kid, he's been taught something that's not true. You don't owe everyone who shows kindness to you, if anything just be polite back.

Grian sighed and swept up the plate shards, when he was done he hadn't realized Tommy had fallen asleep on the floor. Odd. He thought, It's mid day.

He picked up his little bird and brought him to his bedroom, Tommy seemed to of spruced his room up a bit- with a picture of The Queen on the wall. He also had a jar filled with what looked like blue dye, the bed sheets were red like his classic shirt.

Grian put him down on the bed, wondering if he was getting enough sleep. His wings fluttered behind him, he walked back to the kitchen to make a quick sandwich.

The sandwich was easy to put together, some PB & J was good for now. Quickly devouring lunch, he started to craft something.

It was something simple at first, and then he enchanted it. And in the end Grian held some pretty buff diamond boots- Depth Strider III, Soul Speed III, Unbreaking III, Protection IV and Mending. These would help Tommy get away if he fell into a situation where he needed to run, it would be useful.

Grian smiled, it was a gift for tomorrow. 

He just hoped his little bird would like them.


Mumbo and Sam had been working on Pandora's Vault for a few hours now. Sam was trying to make the iron door open and close but something wasn't working right, all the pistons were in place so what was wrong?

He tried a few things, refusing help- constantly saying 'I got it'. Mumbo was getting tired of it, to say the least.

Before Sam could tell him he could do it, Mumbo messed around with the redstone, he put a repeater down along with a redstone torch. "It's okay Mumbo! I can do it!" The creeper hybrid called from across the room.

Ignoring him for a moment, he moved a few pistons around and then went to pull the lever. 

It worked perfectly, and that seemed to shut Sam up for a minute. "See. I'm not useless."

"You're the guest, that's the point of me doing the work and you getting to explore the SMP." He countered.

Both just settled on working together, it would make the process of building go a lot quicker.

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