Chapter 8

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Finally! chapter 8 has now been uploaded. sorry for the wait... if anyones reading.

We were running late to the train on Monday morning. We had got through the barrier to platform 9¾ at 10.55. Dad put our trunks onto the train for us while the rest of us said goodbye. I quickly hugged my mum and my aunt and uncle before my mind wandered back to Scorpius and where he was. Just as I was about to get James to come and find a compartment with me, two strong arms wrapped around my waist and turned me around to face them. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him towards me as close as possible. I smiled as Scorpius chuckled. I was so glad to be back in his arms again. I quickly said goodbye once more to my family and followed James and Hugo onto the train into an empty compartment. I ended up falling asleep on the train and didn’t wake up until we stopped at hogsmead station. I woke up as the train had just stopped. I always did that. I was lying with my feet across Scorpius who was talking quietly to Rose, as everyone else had fallen asleep too. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, yawning slightly.

“Hey sleepyhead” Scorpius said looking at me. I stood up and stretched before turning back to Scorpius and simply replying with “Hey”.  We woke up Lily, Hugo, and Roxy and all walked towards the carriages that took us to the castle.

Dinner went quickly today and soon enough me and Scorpius were back in our room talking like we did every year. Luckily this year we only had two people to a dorm. I was currently laying on my bed with me head on Scorpius’ chest and his arms around me.

“So do you think classes will be good tomorrow?” I asked him.

“I hope so. I’m glad to be back this year. Makes all the drama from home go away for a while.” He replied.

“I guess it does for a little while until they make another move. Sorry that scared you by the way”

“I just don’t want to lose you Al. I love you too much to let you go.” Scorpius replied as his arms tightened around me. “Do you think they’ll come to Hogwarts?”

“Dad seems to think so but I really hope not. Too many innocent people will get hurt. What if there becomes another war?” I asked worriedly.

“A lot of people will fight for you Al. I would fight anywhere to protect you. Maybe we will need to run like your dad did?”

“Maybe. Night scor.”

“Night Al, I love you.”

At breakfast the next morning we got our time table for the week of lessons we had to put up with for the year. I groaned loudly making Scorpius laugh as he looked over his before picking up a slice of toast.

“Rough timetable?” he asked smirking at me.

“Yep.” I replied popping the P. “Remind me why we go to school again?”

“Because we want to be good wizards and get a good education so we can do something with our lives.” He suggested. “Either that or just pleasing our parents so they don’t disown us?”

“Ah, that’s it. I knew there was a good reason.” I joked laughing with him. “What do you have today then?”

“Potions, charms and Divination. What about you?”

“Potions and charms with you. Then Astronomy.”

“Aww. I’ll miss you Al.”

“You won’t. We’ve got all morning together.”

“Yeah but still...Come on we should go to class.”

Classes passed quickly throughout the day. That is until after lunch when Scorpius left me. He was right, we would miss each other. The lesson seemed to drag with only Rose to talk to. Finally the lesson was over and it took all my strength not to run down to the dungeons. Instead I walked with rose to the Gryffindor tower and then made my way to our common room. As I had guessed Scorpius was waiting for me in our dormitory. As soon as he saw me he threw his homework to the side and opened his arms for me. I practically jumped on him and buried my face into his chest as his warm arms wrapped around me. He laughed holding me to him. I loved his laugh. “Miss me much?” he whispered gently brushing his lips against my ear. I nodded and kissed his chest. We stayed like that for a while until Scorpius spoke again. “Want to go up for dinner?”

This is me...albus potter (on Hold while I edit and write other stories)Where stories live. Discover now