chapter 5

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we apparated to diagon alley at 11'o'clock. the first thing we did was go to flourish and blotts to get our books for the upcoming year. We didnt need a lot of things just extra books for certain subjects we were taking now that we were in our last year. because i didnt have much money to buy anything else and i needed some for when i went back to hogwarts we had a quick trip to gringotts while draco and astoria went to get a new owl since theirs died a couple of days ago. when we met back up with them later they asked me and scorpius to choose a name for their new barn owl. after a lot of discussing we decided to call her zoe (not the best name for an owl i'll admit). anyway after that we went and found my family in the leaky cauldron for lunch. we didnt stay long after that but we had a quick trip to get new brooms and some sweets for the holiday in a few days. i hugged scorpius good bye before apparating home with my family and shopping. i felt alone again when i got home like i always do after leaving him. it was like leaving a piece of myself behind whenever he wasnt there. i gave him my heart and he would always have it.

Scorpius got up excitedly when my alarm clock went off the next morning. I, however, rolled over and went back to sleep. A few minutes later I felt something on top of me. I rolled over and opened my eyes to see Scorpius sitting on me, already fully dressed and ready to go.

“Come on Al. You’ve got to get up or we’ll be late for our holiday.” Scorpius said grinning like the Cheshire cat.

“Yeah I know. Maybe the two of us can go on holiday together?” I thought out loud.

“Okay, if you get up now, I promise that before school starts again we will go somewhere together” I liked his idea and ran for a shower as quick as I could. I heard Scorpius laughing all the way through my shower. I wrapped a towel around my waist and went back through my bedroom to my closet. I noticed that Scorpius was sat on my bed with the two little fur balls in his hands. These were our two cats, Leila and Jinx. Leila was while and Jinx was black. We shared them but Jinx usually stayed with scor. “They always did prefer you.” I commented as I pulled out a pair of jeans and a green t-shirt. “That’s not true. They love you just as much as they love me.” Scorpius commented standing up and handing them to me. We didn’t actually buy the cats. We found them in a muggle alley way about a year ago. They were all scruffy and abandoned so we brought them home. I played with the two cats for a while before letting them go downstairs to be put in carry cases. I quickly dried and straightened my hair with magic and pulled on my t-shirt and a jacket. I pulled my locket over my head and went downstairs to my family. We would be apparating to diagon alley to meet our family at 8’o’clock. It didn’t take long for everyone to meet and for us to apparate near the airport with our entire luggage.  Because there were so many of us, it took a while to get checked in and get all our tickets for the plane before we actually got into the main area of the airport. Mum said that we had about 2 hours before we had to be boarding the plane so we could do what we want. Since we had no breakfast me and Scorpius went to a cafe for something to eat. We then went looking around the shops and soon enough we were boarding the plane. Scorpius began to panic as he had never been on a plane before. He started chattering like a chipmunk about how this big piece of metal with all these people wouldn’t be able to stay in the air and how he didn’t want to die since he was so young. Albus didn’t know what else to do so I kissed him as the plane was setting off and soon enough he had calmed down.

When we got to our villa in Spain at 2:30, we split up and went to our rooms to unpack. Once we had all unpacked and got changed, our parents gave us some money and told us to be back for 5 so we could go out for dinner in the evening. Me, scor and rose all went down to the beach straight away. We found a comfortable spot and all laid down. “Do you remember when we spent a whole day doing this at Hogwarts?” I asked them both.

This is me...albus potter (on Hold while I edit and write other stories)Where stories live. Discover now