chapter 12

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We arrived at malfoy manor just in time to finish setting the place cards on the tables accoring to lily's wonderfully designed seating plan. We had decided that lily, alice, mark and james would great the guests at the entrance hall and show them up the stairs to the second floor where the ballroom was. Our parents would then greet them at the top of the stairs just before the entrance. Me and Scorpius would show them to their tables aropund the edges of the hall to make sure that everyone knew where they were going. Once everyone had arrived we would all take our seats on the head table and dinner would be served. once everyone had eaten the speaches would start.

Right now me and scorpius were looking over the seating plan. Lily was very good at organising. The first guests to arrive were Hermione and ROn along with Hugo and Rose and their guests. I left Scropius to show them to their seats after a quick hello from me. Rose still hadnt been talking to me since halloween and i wasnt about to talk to her. there were reasons for me being a slytherin. The rest of the weasleys arrived soon after with their guests. we had decided to sit them mainly on two different tables. Fred and Roxy had swapped seats with lucy nad molly to stay away from their parents. George and Angellina hadnt taken the news or Roxy's pregnancy as well as the restof us. they were most concered about who the father was. Fred had never left Roxy's side though. charlie had decide that he would stay the weekend so he had managed to come to the reception as well. luckily we had saved a seat for him anyway. Pansy and her family as well as Blaise and his family had joined us soon after meeting ta the entrance. we had decided to sit them next to each other as well since they were comfortable in their own company.  Nevill, hannah and their family arrived as well as Luna, Rolf, Lorcan and Lysander. Both of the boys had brought dates from school who we were familiar with as well. Soon My uncle dudley had arrived with his muggle family as well. they were unsure at first but with my dad's advice they came to the reception. Lastly Narcissa and her new husband arrived followed by Daphne and her family. 

As we sat down Lily and James came up with their dates too. On the head table there was me and Scor, our parents and James and Lily, and Alice and Mark. The wedding ceremony started with a blast. everyone was talking and laughing and everyone seemed to smile. Soon everyone had eaten and it was time for speeches from the best men and brides maids. apparently they had all worked together on their speeches. Mark and Alice stepped up first. their speech was funny and embarrasing talking about what we could be 'doing' in the next few years. a conversation i'm sure our parents didnt want to hear. James and lily were next, they focused more on the memories of birthdays and christmases and the first dates and meetings we had. by the end of it our mums were crying and so was lily. Dad and Draco were next. they too had created their speech together. it was the basic childhhod memories and dad jokes. Finally it was mine and scor's turn.

"Well, Al. This is it. We've made it to our wedding day in one piece." scorpius joked. "I hope we get to spend the rest of our lives in one piece too. the day i first met you, i knew you were special. and it wasnt because you were harry potters son like most people though. No, i saw your smile and i loved you. then i saw your eyes and i fell in love with you. i hadnt spoken to you then and i hoped to god that you would end up in slytherin and i could spend every day with you. i would have found a way whatever house you were in but i would have broken more school rules that way." everyon laughed including me. "then three years later you told me you were in love with ME. i didnt know what to say because i was so shocked that you could love me when you had the whole school to choose from. But my some miricale, you chose me. I want to thank you albus, for still loving me to this day, even with the way i act and the things i say. And i want to thank your parents for, saving my dad when they were kids, and for having you as a son. I'd like to thank my parents for not killing Al's parents, and for having me. I love you all. I love everyone here today, And Al, I LOVE YOU!" scorpius finished raising a glass at the end. i was crying but i smiled at him anyway.

"Well, i dont have a chance in beating that speech so erm. Scor, i love you. thank you for acting stupid and saying things you shouldnt cause thats what makes you, you. and i love that. thanks to my parents, draco astoria, my aunts and uncles, scor's family and all our friends for supporting us and coming to the wedding. thank you all for being here to enjoy this with us and for helping organise things. thank you lily and James for being the best brother and sister i could ever have asked for. and yeah. I love you all. I love you Scorpius malfoy. so Everyone enjoy the rest of the night and i'll try and thank as many of you individually as i can." everyone raised their glasses and drank.

the music started to play and evryone began to mingle with each other. scorpius stood up and hugged me thanking me. like i had said we started mingleing with everyon trying to see as many people as we could. at 9pm the only momnet i had dreaded arrived.

the first dance.


i knew that albus couldnt dance. he knew he couldnt dance. everyone in the world knew that albus couldnt dance. but the thing was no one really cared. but still i knew albus was dreading it so i had talked to harry and my dad and we had come up with an idea that would ease his tension before we had our first dance. something im sure everyone would love.

"Can i have everyone's attention please," i spoke into the microphone on the stage so that everyone could hear me. Albus was beside me holding my hand tightly. "It is now time for the first dance so if everyone could move to the edges of the hall that would be appreciated." i smiled. ALbus sighed.
"Oh god." he said shakily.
"Relax Al. what have you got to be worried about" i asked. "I didnt say it was our first dance." i smiled at him. the look of confusion on his face was priceless. "just watch," i wispered. just then the music started and a spot light traveled across the floor, landing on my dad.

(ive had the time of my life)
My dad walked up to Harry with a rose in his teeth. the song continued to play and they started dancing, Dirty dancing style. everyone had amused loks on their face and started laughing. albus was laughing too. in fact everyone was laughing, even dad and harry. i was suprised at how much they seemed to be enjoying themselves. eventually the song finnished and the lights came back on. 
"Obviously that wasnt the only dance, that was just a bit of fun to ease the tension." i spoke to the guests.
With albus's nerves eased we had our first dance. it was a lot smoother than i had expected it to be. the dance was over quicker than i had wanted but al seemed releived. i let him mingle for a while as a few people started to dance with each other.
"Can i have this dance?" lily asked coming up behind me. i smiled at her and complied.
"Thank you lily. for accepting me straight away and for helping with the wedding and helping with everything recently. your a great sister to Al." i smiled.
"I hope i'll be a good sister to you too. You may be official family now but to us you were already family." i smiled and kissed her cheek.

i danced with a few others including my mum, alice, rose, daphne, hermione, dad and even james. albus had been dancing with our big family as well. we could all tell the night would have to come to an end soon, but everyone was having such a good time that no one wanted to leave. Me, Al and our parents seemed to all walk towards each other at the same time so we ended as a group in the middle of the hall. we laughed and smiled as we hugged each other. from the other side of the room near the entrance we heard a scream.
"Rose!" Ron yelled from close by us. everyone moved. Rose was lying on the floor with her head bleeding. three cloaked figures stood beside her...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2013 ⏰

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