Chapter 6

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sorry for the wait guys


Once we were all home and safe, our families fixed our wounds and put protective spells up around the villa so that we would be safe if the decided to come back again. we all sat down on the sofa and discussed what we wanted to do next.

"so we know they need potter blood and apparently it needs to be from Albus" scorpius moved impossible closer when my dad said that.

"Which they wont get. I'm not letting anyone take him from me." scorpius said reaching for my hand.

"I know scorpius. We will all keep Albus safe. We will all protect any of our family. But what we do need to know is why they want him or his blood rather."

"So whats the plan going to be?" i asked looking around the room. everyone turned towards me and my dad.

"My plan was that we need them to come and find you again so we can try and talk to them about why they want you." dad continued. Everyone nodded and started to discuss what we could to to make the plan happen. Scorpius got up from beside me and left the room slamming the door behind him. I was about to go after him when my dad caught my attention again.

"Albus. We have a plan but we just need you to hear it and see if you will be okay with this." i nodded and listened to dad go through the plan again with me. when dad had finished and we had all agreed to be prepared for the plan, i went to find scorpius. i found him in our room packing up his stuff ready for tomorrow. he had tears running down his cheeks.

"Scor?" i asked from the doorway.

"What?" he asked rather harshly but not turning around.

"What's wrong."

"I cant believe that your seriously asking me that. how can you not see whats wrong? nothing about whats happend in the last 2 hours has be right in anyway!" he shouted turning around to look at me.

"I cant help what happened tonight. i didnt want it to happen. you cant honestly think in happy about three people coming to find me and wanting to kill me!"

"You have no idea how this feels. im in love with you Al. I cant even think about loosing you or someone having the chance to take you away from me."

"You wont lose me. you never could" I said hugging him.

"I love you Al but i just need to think for a few days." he said pushing me away from him and grabbing his bag and wand.

"Dont go. please"

"Sorry Al." he said before apparating out of the house.

This is me...albus potter (on Hold while I edit and write other stories)Where stories live. Discover now